The price of disobedience.

Row of Jail CellsAs a child growing up in the Jackson household, I knew disobeying my parents came with a price. I was either punished or if the offence was serious enough, I got a spanking. Thankfully, I was a pretty compliant child and my spankings or punishments were far and few between.

Now that I’ve transitioned into adulthood, there is no earthly parental figure to which I’m held accountable. There are however, other systems in place by which we are governed. For instance, should we break the law, the judicial system will define the penalty for our actions. Schools, workplaces and such also have rules and and guidelines in place to define what is and is not acceptable on their premises. In my life there is also a Higher Power to which I answer. I chose to call Him God.

The other day, on my Birthday to be exact, I decided to treat myself to a pedicure. As I left my house, I glanced at my watch. I knew I was having family and a couple close friends over for cake and refreshments, so my time was limited. I headed out and as I drove, I considered going to a salon, I don’t frequent because it was closer to home.

To give you a brief history, I’ve switched to a new salon because I had a couple bad experiences at the place I frequented for years. I’d finally found a shop where, they not only listened to me but I left in one piece, if you will. As I headed up the road, I thought to myself, if I go to my usual spot, I may be late getting back home to prepare for my guests. Here, is where things became interesting.

In order to save time, I headed for the salon closer to my home where I’d not had a pedicure. At this point, I clearly heard the voice of God say, “Do not go to that salon, go to the one you always go to or go home and wait until tomorrow.” This is where vanity stepped in and directed my next steps. I said to myself and the Spirit of God, “I don’t have enough time to go to the other place and I want a pedicure for my Birthday; how bad can it it be? After all, it’s in a high end area of town.”

I ignored the wisdom of God and headed a couple miles up the road to the other salon. As I sat in the chair, feeling like I need to run for the exit, I kept telling myself, “I’m sure it’ll be fine.” Well, halfway through the pedicure, I felt a sting on the inside of my left foot, just below my ankle. When it happened again, I looked down and I was bleeding. To make a long story short, the technician had rubbed a dime sized piece of skin completely off my foot.

He apologized profusely and put an antiseptic on the spot. Two days later, I ended up in the doctor’s office to have my foot looked at. I’m now on antibiotics both orally and topically. It’s been a week and a half and the spot still hasn’t healed. All could have been avoided, if I’d only listened.

There is a price to being disobedient. Had I listened and not allowed vanity to enter my heart, I wouldn’t have a painful wound that requires a lengthy treatment. For young people, not following parental or educational instruction can be costly. Not adhering to the rules established by our government or court systems can even result in death.

I’ve learned a valuable lesson from my experience and I hope my sharing, will encourage you to take time to listen. Whether it be to parents, employers or whomever. Remember there are consequences to our actions and no one in their right mind wants to pay the price of disobedience.


By Savannah Jackson, she adds a little sass in every page.

Falling in Love with RVA

MP900386092 (1)Greetings to all! It’s been a few days since I’ve posted as I’ve not felt well over the last week and haven’t been out and about. Although I have a few days to go before the end of the month, I can honestly say, there is much to do and see in the RVA-Metro Area. I must also admit, I really didn’t give RVA a chance in the entertainment department. 

There is still much to do and see, especially with Fall approaching. There is The 2nd Street Festival, Fall BraZaar, and State Fair of Virginia all on the weekend of October 5th. If you don’t mind driving, there is also the Crab Carnival in West Point Va the weekend of October 5th. The Richmond Folk Festival is October 11th-13th. We also have Fall Wine Tastings at our local Wineries. There’s apple picking in the mountains with the added bonus of colorful foliage as the backdrop. I could go on and on but to save time, as usual I’ll just refer you to the Discover Richmond link which also highlights the top five weekend events for every weekend. How cool is that, huh?

After I discovered all the fun things to do in RVA, it still didn’t diminish my desire to move back home. I miss my childhood friends and family. I miss the sights and smells of my home. You see, I’ve done so much over the past three weeks, it left me exhausted at times, but I did most activities alone. Therein lies a portion of the problem. 

I know, I will one day return to my native state, although it may not be anytime soon. I’m thankful, for all the blessings being in RVA have brought me, especially my son. But as Dorothy said in The Wizard of Oz, “There’s no place like home.” Until the time when I return, I will continue to enjoy RVA and the surrounding counties. 

For those of you who’ve given me suggestions of fun things to do, I thank you. To you who’ve followed by blog of Falling in love with RVA, I thank you too. I do hope you will continue to stop by on a regular basis as this is not the end of my stories. And as always in closing, I wish you a safe and peaceful night. 


Savannah J, she adds a little sass in every page 

For information on the activities suggested in the body of my blog, just click on the wording and it will take you to their website. Thank you! 

Falling in love with RVA, day 19-20: Happy Birthday!

??????????????September 19th is my Birthday and on the day of, I had a ball. I didn’t really do anything special during the morning but that night I had my family and a couple close friends over. It was a quiet and intimate gathering. We talked, laughed and caught up on the latest news.

For those of you who don’t know, I love to entertain in my home. At one point, I just sat back and watched everyone enjoy themselves and it made me so happy. Birthdays have taken on a new meaning for me now as I grow older. It doesn’t matter about the gifts or cake and ice cream, what matters are the blessings I’ve received and even challenges I’ve overcome.

The challenges have provided opportunity for growth and gaining wisdom. Two things I deem priceless. The blessings help me focus on the positive. Although, like anyone else, I’ve had my share of ups and downs, my glass is always half-full. To complete another year and gain a new age is such a blessing to me. There are those women who refuse to reveal their ages, but for me, it’s an honor and privilege to answer the age question. After all, I have family and friends who didn’t make 57.

It’s the 20th and the day after my Birthday. I’m not doing anything special in RVA today. I’m relaxing at home and writing. I have a couple things planned for tomorrow but for now, I’m enjoying today. As always, I wish you a safe and peaceful night.


Savannah J, she adds a little sass to every page.


Falling in love with RVA, day 18: Saving the Tata’s and Josh Groban.

MP900321107I went for my annual Mammogram this afternoon and with a great report from the Radiologist I might add. There is a history of Breast Cancer in my family and so, I’m meticulous in making and keeping my appointments each year. I’ve heard women complain about the equipment used for the test but it takes less than ten minutes start to finish for something that may save a life. I just take a deep breath knowing, God has blessed man with the technology to help us have better quality of life and let the technician do her job.

After my exam, I headed for a quiet place to write in the RVA-Metro Area where I’d never been before but couldn’t think of an establishment. As I cruised up Midlothian Turnpike, I spotted a sign for Pink Belle Cake House and decided to stop. My goal other than finding a place to write was buying a small cake for my Birthday celebration tomorrow.

My decision turned out to be a perfect one as the Pink Belle Cake House is also The Piano Cafe. The atmosphere at The Piano Cafe felt so relaxing and peaceful, I grabbed a cup of Joe and my laptop and found a seat in an overstuffed chair. Now, I’m sitting here listening to Josh Groban, one of my favorite singers, sipping on my coffee and working on my latest project.

If you ever find yourself in the Midlothian area, check out Pink Belle Cake House and The Piano Cafe. You’ll love it here. And if you’re a writer like me, the ambiance is perfect for penning your next project or finishing up one you’ve started.

As always, I wish you a safe and peaceful night.


Savannah J, she adds a little sass in every page. Follow Savannah on Twitter @savana74

Falling in love with RVA, day 17: Remembering.

Rose On Wood BW



I spent today doing something much more meaningful than pursuing my own happiness, I made someone else smile. On yesterday, I made plans to visit a very special lady in my life. She is now a Senior and was my friend, mentor, surrogate mother and confidant all rolled up in one when I first moved to RVA. She still is.

We met many years ago when I was yet brand new on my job and in my career. She took me under her wing and pretty much taught me everything I know. I remember being a little timid at times and she would say to me, “come-on here, Jackson!” And then would push me, not lead me into whatever task needed completion.

This afternoon, she told me she is eighty nine years old and I felt like an infant announcing my upcoming fifty seventh birthday. We had a chuckle about it and she called me a baby; I didn’t mind at all. Although, her body is now frail, her mind is ever sharp. We shared stories of yesteryear and today. She spoke of our days on the job and mentioned several people we worked with. We talked a bit about my mother, whom she was very close to and my son, whom she hasn’t seen in years. I pulled up pictures for her on my phone so that she could see how my son has matured.

It was a bittersweet visit and a bit challenging to see my friend so frail while remembering the way she was in her prime. Although, it was emotional for me, I was so happy I spent time with her and look forward to seeing her again soon. I feel it’s important to be with our elders and those who nurtured us when we were young. After all, they may be older now with snow white hair, but the Bible declares hair of silver as a sign of wisdom and wisdom is what this world is most in need of today.

There is a double blessing in sitting at the feet of our seniors, they have the pleasure of our company and we can glean from their boundless knowledge. Perhaps there is someone in your life whom is up in age who could use a visit. May I suggest you take time out and spend a few hours with them. I promise you the rewards are priceless.

As always, I wish you a safe and peaceful night.


Savannah J, she adds a little sass in every page. Follow Savannah on Twitter @savana74

Falling in love with RVA day 16: Yay me!!!

MP900387212Perhaps you’re wondering why my title for today is about me. I’m so happy you asked. Today, I joined a gym and I’m so excited! I used to walk for exercise and I lost quite a bit of weight but then plateaued. My problem turned out to be lack of strength training. The cardio was good but I needed that extra umph. I’ve been a member of a gym since age eighteen but I tried to shape up without the weights for the past year, to no avail. At the advice of my doctors, I’m stepping up my game.

My goal is to lose and tone for my health. I not only want to add length of years to my life but I want those years to be quality years. I plan to chronicle my journey to a healthier me and hope you will be inspired to join in. Well, I need to get some rest as tomorrow is going to be a big day. I’ll be having fun in the RVA-Metro Area and getting in shape while doing it.

As always, I wish you a safe and peaceful night,


Savannah J, she adds a little bit of sass in every page. Follow Savannah on Twitter @savana74

Falling in love with RVA day 15: A day of peace and tranquility.

MC900444672Good evening! If you are wondering how I went from day 13 to 15, well, I was a bit under the weather yesterday, so I stayed in and rested. On today, September 15th, I spent time in RVA at the Elegba Folklore Society Cultural Center with a group of authors enjoying the Claude McKay Black Book Festival. To say our hostess Ms. Janine Bell, carries herself with the regal poise of the queen she is, is an understatement.

Ms Bell, greeted me as I entered the Elegba Folklore Society Cultural Center and made sure I felt welcome. I joined the other authors and we talked, networked and shared tips. Spending time at the Elegba Folklore Society Cultural Center today, was about so much more than selling books. It was about relishing in the tranquil atmosphere created by Ms. Bell and enjoying the serenity of her spirit.

I am excited  I was able to attend the Claude McKay Black Book Festival today. I will continue to support the Elegba Folklore Society and Ms. Bell by attending their events throughout the year. If you are looking for an opportunity to experience African Diaspora Culture at it’s best, checkout Ms. Janine Bell and the Elegba Folklore Society.

As always, I wish you a safe and peaceful night.


Savannah J, she adds a little sass in every page. Follow Savannah on Twitter @savana74

Falling in love with RVA day 13: A tall glass of Sweet Teas

Peach Tea from Sweet TeasOn Friday September 13th, I decided to take to the streets of RVA after dark and experience the night life. Armed with a pair of my favorite heels, I headed for Shockoe Bottom for dinner and Jazz.

My evening began at Sweet Teas Southern Cuisine on 18th and Main Streets. I’d never been there before and sort of stumbled on it. For my dining pleasure, I chose the Southern Fried Fish with Mac-n-cheese and fresh Cabbage. Of course, I had a glass of Sweet Peach Tea. While we waited for our meal, we were served some of the best Cornbread, I’d ever eaten.

Not only was the food superb but the service was world class. We were greeted at the door and seated straightaway. The Owner, Shane, came over and personally spoke with us. She told us how all the food was prepared fresh daily, from the greens to the main dishes and of course, the teas. I will definitely return to Sweet Teas Southern Cuisine again and again.

Finally, I, along with my companions stopped at Island Bistro to listen to a live band. The music was great which topped off a wonderful night out on the town. If you are out and about in the Bottom, I highly recommend Sweet Teas Southern Cuisine at 1800 East Main Street.


Savannah J, she adds a little sass in every page. Follow Savannah on Twitter @savana74

Falling in love with RVA. Looking for fun things to do in RVA, checkout today’s blog.

I received this information via email from a friend. It list great ideas for family fun in the RVA-Metro area.


Savannah J, she adds a little sass in every page.