No Do Overs!

IMG_0274In life there are no do-overs. I’m sure every person on this earth wishes at one time or another to change something from the past. We all have painful and/or disappointing memories. Well, to that I say we must move on.

I’ve found myself more times than I can count ruminating on something I’ve done or said that I wish I could take back. I finally learned rehashing those times was only hurting me. I’m a firm believer in filling our mind and spirit with as much positivity as possible and mulling over things we can’t change does no good.

It’s one thing to learn from our past mistakes, it’s another to beat ourselves up. So for this year and years to come, lets make a promise to ourselves to leave the past exactly where it is. Let us look to the future with the excitement and expectation of a child. Have you ever noticed the look in a child’s eyes when experiencing something new? Their eyes radiate with joy. As adults we can learn from them.

The time is now and so lets “seize the moment” and only look back when we need a reminder not to make the same mistake twice. We have today. Lets be present and live for now.

As always, I hope my thoughts encourage you.


Savannah J. providing a place of tranquility away from the stress of life.

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Savannah is the author of The Prey now available in eBook on Kindle and on Google Play Books

Also look for Raising Tristan on Google Play Books and on Kindle



It’s interesting how death removes our loved ones from our physical presence but cannot steal our memories. That being said, I’ve found myself missing my oldest sister quite a bit lately. She passed away seventeen years ago this coming May. She was one of my mentors and “The Wind Beneath My Wings” on many occasion.

As I grow and continue to develop into who I was created to be, I’m doing some pretty amazing things. With each accomplishment I’ve wanted  to run to the phone and call “Sister;” (that was her family nickname) and share. But alas, I can’t. (Her given name was Mary. For the sake of confusion, I’ll use her given name.)

My sister, Mary was a remarkable woman and I’m not just saying that because she was my sister. There are many who can attest to my opinion. She touched so many lives during her short stay here on earth. For me, next to my mother, Mary was my biggest cheerleader. In her eyes there was nothing I couldn’t achieve.

I often joke by saying if I told Mary, I wanted to build a ladder to the moon, she would reply, you can do it! There was nothing I could say or do that would cause her to judge or think ill of me. I would often call her and pour my heart out, sharing my hopes, dreams and disappointments. I never felt sharing with my sister was a mistake.

Not only do I miss her presence, I miss her wisdom. My sister’s advice to my quandaries was priceless and her suggestions always proved to work. I’m so thankful, although death removes our loved ones from our physical presence, it can’t steal our memories. My time with my sister is planted ineradicably in my mind and heart where I can visit with her whenever I like. For that, I’m grateful. My sister died young, so I say to you cherish your loved ones every day. Remember tomorrow isn’t promised.

As always, I hope my thoughts encourage you.


Savannah J. providing a place of tranquility away from the stress of life.

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Savannah is the author of The Prey now available in eBook on Kindle and on Google Play Books

Also look for Raising Tristan on Google Play Books and on Kindle


I Am More Than Capable. Part 3



It’s been said, if we remain in “flight or fight” on a continual basis, because of stress, it causes harm to our bodies. My goal was to remain as stress free as possible during my work hours. I attempted to develop an attitude adjustment, sort of an acceptance of my circumstances and not allowing them to affect me. Keeping up that type of effort on a frequent basis can be exhausting.

I found myself so miserable, I began to talk about the five year job I’d had and how wonderful it was. What I didn’t realize was, that’s passive aggressive behavior that had no baring on my situation. I was attempting to get some sort of respect from my co-workers. I failed to see just because my former supervisor and team found me a valuable partner, didn’t mean my present co-workers would.

My change finally came when I opened myself up to what my good friend had been saying all along.  I was more than capable of doing my job. I began to work on my self confidence and self esteem, not only on the job, but in life. Working on myself outside of my job proved to be beneficial; when we feel good about ourselves on a daily basis, it spills over into everything.

There are still some challenges from a few co-workers from time to time but my method of handling the situation is different. I politely confront them, especially if I overhear them discussing me without inviting me to the meeting, in other words, talking about me behind my back. If their criticism is constructive and valid, I listen and apply it to my work habits. In the event it’s petty, I throw their words out the window.

I now realize my self worth. Psalm 139:14 in the New Living Translation says, “Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous–how well I know it.” It no longer matters what my co-workers think of me; I think a lot of myself and so does God. I am more than capable of doing my job and much more.

It may have taken me time to get to this place of self-healing but I’m here. I received an added bonus, when the major bullies took different jobs. I’m excited for my future and the plans I’ve made. I challenge myself on a daily basis to live outside the box after all, I can’t spread my Eagles wings inside a tiny space.

I implore you to seek your full potential; live on the edge; shake off the naysayers. Don’t waste another second living in the shadows. Spread your mighty wings and soar. And remember, if you’re going to be an Eagle, be a Harpy.

As always, I hope my thoughts encourage you.


Savannah J. providing a place of tranquility away from the stress of life.

Follow Savannah on Twitter

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Savannah is the author of The Prey now available in eBook on Kindle and on Google Play Books

Also look for Raising Tristan on Google Play Books and on Kindle

I Am More Than Capable. Part 2


There is nothing worse than reporting to a job day after day, week after week and year after year that adds nothing but anxiety to one’s life. However, that is exactly what I was did for over twenty five years. To say I was miserable is an understatement.

On quite a few mornings, I pulled into the parking lot of my job in tears. To compound matters, I felt trapped. I was financially unable at that time to return to school to facilitate a change in careers, and so I toiled on.

The select group of co-workers who seemed to enjoy berating and castigating me fueled my dismay. I avoided them as best I could, and at the suggestion of my friend I began scheduling myself to work on days they were off. You see, we work three – twelve hour shifts/week, and so, working opposite them helped some. Eventually, I worked full time night shift which took care of working with them at all but, I still had to give shift report.

For about five years, I received a reprieve when I was recruited to be apart of a five year grant funded project. It took me one full year on that job to relax and accept that my new co-workers respected me as an individual and as someone with a high level of intelligence.  It was also liberating because I realized the treatment I received at the hands of my former co-workers was real and not a misperception as they wanted me to believe.

Something wonderful happened during those five years, I grew in confidence and appreciation of who I was created to be. At the end of those years, I returned to my former job a stronger person. I began to stand up for myself although I continued to avoid the naysayers as best I could.

My mother used to tell me, God would move stumbling blocks out of my way. Even with my new found strength, those women were relentless. I began to wonder how much longer it was going to take God to move them or me again. However, God in His infinite wisdom knew my current situation was just strengthening my wings.

I’ve been told the Eagle is the only bird with the ability to fly straight into a storm until she breaks through the clouds and flies above it. If I was going to be a Harpy Eagle, God knew I was going to need strong wings.

Stay tuned for more of “I Am More Than Capable.”

As always, I hope my thoughts encourage you.


Savannah J. providing a place of tranquility away from the stress of life.

Follow Savannah on Twitter

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Savannah is the author of The Prey now available in eBook on Kindle and on Google Play Books

Also look for Raising Tristan on Google Play Books and on Kindle

I Am More Than Capable. Part 1



via Daily Prompt: Capable

For many years, I struggled with the thought of being capable of doing my job. Instead of entering the idealistic world I created for myself in my mind when I graduated, I was met with a harsh reality. In addition to the intricacies involved in doing my job, I received  harsh criticism by co-workers. Those two things left me doubting not only my capabilities but my decision. In hindsight, I realize my inner turmoil was more of my own doing than the co-workers who antagonized me.

I’ve been in my current profession for over thirty years. It wasn’t until the last two years, I’ve felt confident and capable of providing consistent and competent service. For many years, I was bullied and looked down upon by a handful of co-workers. It seemed they lurked about waiting patiently for an opportunity to question and belittle me. I was labeled incapable and no matter how I worked to abolish the stigma, it persisted.

To protect myself and guard my heart, if you will, I avoided them at all costs. Now, you may wonder why or how I feel partially responsible for my situation, after-all bullying is real and can prove more then harmful. Well, I’ve come to realize, the low self esteem, low self confidence and low self worth I suffered from made me a sitting target for bullies.

The fact that I doubted myself, left me open to their condensation and derision. Instead of challenging them and standing up for myself, I cowered in a corner. Now, let me pause here and say, I’m only speaking of my situation and not others who’ve been victims of bullying. Once I realized my self worth and value I bring to my profession, things began to change. It all started with the kind  words of a dear friend who has been relentless in her encouragement and pushing me to find my wings and soar.

I love raptors and my favorite is the Eagle. Many women identify with the butterfly because of the transformation process, but not me. I identify with the Eagle. As a matter of fact, I have a saying for myself; “If you’re going to be an Eagle, be a Harpy.” The Harpy is one of the largest of the Eagle family. Over the past two years, I’ve found my wings and now I’m learning to soar.

I’d love to share my journey with you in hopes it’ll inspire you to find your wings. That being said, stay tuned for more of I Am More Than Capable. 

As always, I hope my thoughts encourage you.


Savannah J. providing a place of tranquility away from the stress of life.

Follow Savannah on Twitter

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Savannah is the author of The Prey now available in eBook on Kindle and on Google Play Books

Also look for Raising Tristan on Google Play Books and on Kindle

Why Wait for Someday?


via Daily Prompt: Someday

I think at one time or another, we’re all guilty of waiting for someday. You know how it goes, someday, things will be better; someday, we’ll have the money we need; someday, I’ll be brave enough, smart enough or even good enough. The problem with someday is it never really comes.

Throughout life, we continually raise the bar for ourselves which is good and bad. The downside comes when someday becomes involved. For instance, if we wait for someday, we may not apply for that job because we don’t feel competent enough at the time. We think if I do this or that then someday, I’ll be ready when in actuality all we have to do is put forth the effort.

As I grow wiser, I’m learning not to put things off until someday. I’m learning to seize the moment, if you will. I add things to my longevity list as I think of them and make plans to do them. Just think if the great inventors had put things off until someday, we wouldn’t have half of the amenities we have.

Let us make a conscientious effort to seize the day and live our lives to the fullest. After all when we wait for someday, we just may wait in vain.

As always, I hope my thoughts encourage you.


Savannah J. providing a place of tranquility away from the stress of life.

Follow Savannah on Twitter

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Savannah is the author of The Prey now available in eBook on Kindle and on Google Play Books

Also look for Raising Tristan on Google Play Books and on Kindle