Operations Management through the Vaccine

Excellent presentation on supply and demand. Well done!

Herm’s Blogs

COVID-19 Vaccine: What You Need to Know | Johns Hopkins Medicine

The Ceo of Pfizer, Albert Boula, challenged everyone at Pfizer to develop a vaccine within 6 months to minimize the number of positive Covid-19 cases. Clinical trial organizers, manufacturers, and collective experts collaborated and experimented for 8 months and were able to come up with a successful vaccine. I chose to write about this particular topic because it demonstrates and synthesizes what my classmates and I learned about operations management this year. Here’s how…

The Process

Before the vaccine was released, a vaccine candidate trial was conducted by Pfizer and their partner, BioNTech, to see what results each company would receive and compare them after. Three possible outcomes were to come out of this trial: data monitors would recommend stopping the trial due to failure, continue with testing because results were inconclusive, or continue and immediately apply for emergency use authorization because the vaccine worked and was safe. Eventually, the…

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