What’s In Your Glass?!

water bottleA few days ago, I was having a conversation with a friend about a test she had taken, she called to let me know she had passed. My response was, “I knew you would.” Well, she went on to give me all of the reasons why she may have failed. I listened and when she finished I said, “no matter what I go after whether it be a new job, car or certificate in something, I expect to get it. There is an ongoing question as to whether one’s glass is half empty or half full, well my glass is not half full, it’s full. I expect the best for myself and I anticipate the same for you.”

There was a time in my life, when I suffered from low self esteem. As a result of my woe-is-me attitude, I found myself surrounded by like-minded people. On the inside, I longed to escape this world of despondency, but it seemed the harder I tried, the deeper I sank. As new people moved into my circle, I became excited until I realized, they were toxic to my well being. The Law of Attraction is real.

I have spent years getting to know me and learning to appreciate my strengths as well as weaknesses. I know what I want and I have a written plan on achieving my goals. I now surround myself with others who are on the same path as me. Most of them are ahead of me in what they’ve accomplished and are willing to mentor me. A half full glass may be ideal for some, but I have a voracious thirst and would deplete the contents of a half full glass in a few swallows.

I refuse to allow setbacks to derail me, I merely regroup and begin again. I’ve learned this type of discipline from the people now in my life as well as my faith in God. Our best made plans don’t always work out in the timeline we set but that doesn’t mean they won’t workout.

Perhaps you’re in a state of frustration or maybe like my friend see the downside of a situation because things are rough right now. Well, please allow me to encourage you. Your thoughts as well as words have power; again I say, The Law of Attraction is real. Begin to refocus your mind and tell yourself you will succeed. See your glass as half full instead of half empty and then take it into the kitchen and fill it up, after all you’re going to need a lot to drink. In order to attain all life has for you, as The Most Interesting Man in The world says, you must “Stay thirsty my friends.”


Savannah J, providing a place of tranquility away from the stress of life. 


Follow Savannah on Twitter   http://bit.ly/1tBBC6o 

on Google Plus http://bit.ly/1pnq9sP 

and on Facebook http://on.fb.me/10p1o32

Savannah is the author of The Prey now available in eBook on Kindle http://amzn.to/1xg0pgM and on Google Play Books http://bit.ly/1q5hncz

Also look for Raising Tristan on Google Play Books http://bit.ly/1pL4GqN and on Kindle http://amzn.to/1AlHl6g


“If You Can’t Be The Sun Be A Star”

starAs a child my mother often used poetry to motivate me to complete a task or believe in myself if I were feeling doubtful. One poem she used to encourage me is “Be A Star If You Cannot Be The Sun” by the Late Douglas Malloch. The poem is far too long to quote here, but if you haven’t read it, may I suggest you do.

In this world where everyone wants to walk the red carpet, write a best selling movie or novel, or live the glamours life of the rich and famous, we forget that may not be the direction life has for us. Not everyone is cut out to be a leader, some of us are better suited for support staff, which is fine. I have found my abilities are stronger at coordinating and pulling projects together than leading. I’m a behind the scenes kinda person.

It may seem if we aren’t the biggest and brightest out there, we aren’t fulfilling our destiny. Well, where would the sun be without the moon and stars? We may not be world renown but we can still live equally if not more productive lives than those in the spotlight.

There are needs to be met right in our own backyards and communities. We can put our hands to the plow and make a difference right where we are. Organizations that feed the homeless, mentor at-risk youth, spend time with the elderly and forgotten to name a few would love to have our assistance.

The next time you feel as though you’re not as successful as you’d like because you aren’t an accomplished actress, or scientist.  You haven’t made the New York Times Best Seller List or won a Noble Prize, or maybe your name isn’t on the tongue of everyone you meet; take a walk outside on clear night and look up.

Our night sky is full of beautiful stars and a gorgeous moon. Those same stars and moon have guided many a lost sailor or hiker. They’ve provided comfort to to those separated from loved ones when they realize the person of their affection is gazing at the same sky. My point is, we all matter if we just believe we do. So, remember as my mother used to tell me, “If you can’t be a highway, then just be a trail, IF YOU CAN’T BE THE SUN, BE A STAR; It isn’t by size that you win or you fail-BE THE BEST OF WHATEVER YOU ARE!”


Savannah J, providing a place of tranquility away from the stress of life. 


Follow Savannah on Twitter   http://bit.ly/1tBBC6o 

on Google Plus http://bit.ly/1pnq9sP 

and on Facebook http://on.fb.me/10p1o32

Savannah is the author of The Prey now available in eBook on Kindle http://amzn.to/1xg0pgM and on Google Play Books http://bit.ly/1q5hncz

Also look for Raising Tristan on Google Play Books http://bit.ly/1pL4GqN and on Kindle http://amzn.to/1AlHl6g

The Return of Camelot


Today I was going through a stack of magazines I had obviously put aside to read. One magazine in particular caught my eye. It was a tribute to the Kennedy years. On the cover was a picture of the late President John Fitzgerald Kennedy and his wife the late Jacquelyn Bouvier Kennedy Onassis.  Although I was a child when Kennedy was in office, I remember those years vividly.

John Kennedy was young, handsome, charismatic and intelligent. He was the hope of lower and middle class America, regardless of race or ethnicity. We saw him as sagacious, astute and yet personable. In the eyes of the people in my community he was the answer. Mrs. Kennedy was beautiful, charming, equally as intelligent and quite the trendsetter. Together they were our royalty, our Camelot.

Growing up, my mother encouraged me to find mentors and heroes who looked like me. President  and Mrs. Kennedy did not, but just as the rest of the United States, I embraced them as my own. As a little girl, I was a dreamer. I pretended to be a princess, acted out plays with my dolls, even wrote a few stories back then. The Kennedy’s brought the splendor of Camelot into my little world and then just as the magic began with John Kennedy’s Presidency, it was one day silenced. Our President was assassinated and my Camelot was gone.

I’m now a grown woman with a child of my own, but I never completely let go of my desire for the return of Camelot. My wish was granted on November 4, 2008 with the election of President Barack Hussein Obama. For me he was young, handsome, charismatic, and intelligent. I saw him as sagacious, astute and yet personable. His wife, Mrs. Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama was beautiful, charming, equally as intelligent and quite the trendsetter. Together they were and still are my royalty and the return of Camelot.

The fact that Mr. Obama’s Presidency is the subject of controversy is no secret and this is not a political  opinion. This is the expression of a grown woman, who saw her childhood dream realized. My Camelot has returned in all it’s splendor and above all, they look just like me.

Savannah J, providing a place of tranquility away from the stress of life. 


Follow Savannah on Twitter   http://bit.ly/1tBBC6o 

on Google Plus http://bit.ly/1pnq9sP 

and on Facebook http://on.fb.me/10p1o32

Savannah is the author of The Prey now available in eBook on Kindle http://amzn.to/1xg0pgM and on Google Play Books http://bit.ly/1q5hncz

Also look for Raising Tristan on Google Play Books http://bit.ly/1pL4GqN and on Kindle http://amzn.to/1AlHl6g