How Culture Influences Fashion

Herm’s Blogs

Fashion is influenced by culture in many ways. Countries make their clothing and jewelry differently to honor and appreciate their cultural values. Headwraps, turbans, and draped cloths are worn around the world but have distinct features depending on which culture you enter. We often fail to realize how culture plays a big role in the way we dress and present ourselves. Here are some examples of how different cultures interpret and express their traditions through fashion.

In certain parts of Africa like Eastern Nigeria, head-wraps also known as “Gele”, symbolize wealth for women. It’s a highly transformative fashion statement that has carried around that depiction for a long time. Depending on the occasion, Gele can be made from premium fabric, embroidered, and accentuated with stone and beads. Gele aren’t just used as headwraps but can be pinned at the bottom so that they can be worn as hats. It provides…

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