The Authors’ Corner

Welcome to The Authors’ Corner. This week’s featured author is Karl Anthony Francis.


Karl Anthony Francis who writes under the pseudonym Anthony Pathfinder was born in Kingston, Jamaica and moved to the United States as a child. Like most young boys in the inner-city, Anthony soon became fast friends with several of the neighborhood tough guys. Not one to let his adolescents mishaps dictate how he would spend the rest of his life; he embarked on a path that would forever change his life. He attended CUNY Queens College where he double majored in African Studies/Political Science and minored in Sociology; obtaining his bachelor’s degree. Meeting John Henrik Clarke, Cornell West, Al Sharpton and Yolanda King at his former college, had a lasting impression on him.

Anthony is a firm believer in second chances, convinced that desire and determination overcomes any obstacles. His remarkable coming of age life story, coupled with his work as an ESL (English as a Second Language) instructor, and working in the homeless shelters in New York City, where he was exposed to a number of unfortunate situations; consequently were the backdrop for some of the stories which he would later write.

A self-published writer, he has written several novels, ranging from urban fiction to historical, suspense and romantic novels. He has never pandered to the expectations of the typical reader, but rather to their unpredictability and the simplicity of their human experiences. A voracious reader and lover of Anton Chekhov, Chinua Achebe, James Baldwin and Toni Morrison’s writings, Nina Simone’s music and Motown Soul, Anthony is insatiably curious about the complexities of our world.


Book Synopsis 
Treasure chronicles the de jure racial segregation of the Jim Crow era in the south. It is a candid account of sisters raised in a family of freed blacks who for generations had passed for white. Forbidden to marry black men, Treasure, the eldest provides as much protection as she can in shielding her younger siblings from the constant exchange of ideas they are exposed to growing up. However, in doing so, she may have taken them to a darker place, where the family secrets are revealed and where few can be trusted.

For more on information Anthony Pathfinder and to stay in touch with him:

Visit his website at
Email him at

To purchase Treasure and other books by Anthony Pathfinder:

All titles are available on Amazon and at his website


As always, thanks for stopping by.


Savannah J. providing a place of tranquility away from the stress of life.

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Savannah is the author of The Prey now available in eBook on Kindle and on Google Play Books

Also look for Raising Tristan on Google Play Books and on Kindle