Who Am I Really?


For so many years of my life, I’ve struggled with accepting who I am. I guess my reluctance was fueled by the nay-sayers if you will. You know who they are; the well meaning, self proclaimed-realistic folks who are always quick to point out why our ideas or dreams will never work out.

My dream as some of you may know was to take Broadway by storm. I wanted to sing, act and dance. As a child, I could be found one of two places, either on the floor with a book in my hands or in front of a mirror with a hairbrush aka “microphone” (mic) in my hand. I loved to sing and act out plays and stories I made up in my head.

As a creative, my personality was a bit different. I never really felt at home if you will unless, I was with other creatives, in the music/theater department of my high school or in front of a mirror with my mic. And so, I altered my personality so as to not be teased so much for my quirkiness.

To fast forward, I’m at the point in my life where wisdom has taken over and I’ve come to realize the only opinions that matter when it comes to who I really am, are mine and God’s. I’ve accepted my gift of creativity wholeheartedly and completely, along with the traits that make me . . . well me!

I’m animated, silly, passionate, contemplative, an extrovert who is at times withdrawn. I believe everyone next to me in line at the grocery store is comfortable carrying on a conversation. Although, my son who is an introvert, has assured me, not everyone enjoys talking with strangers. I’ve come full circle and relish in being me!

I don’t believe in “bucket lists,” instead, I have a longevity list because I’m going to need a long life to do everything I have planned. I’m going to take the acting lessons, I’ve always wanted and participate in plays. I plan on taking voice lessons again and joining a local choral. I refuse to be shamed into being someone I’m not just to fit in. My answer to that is, if you are at all bothered by my personality, you have the choice not to hang around me. And I’m perfectly fine with that. I am so in love with this fabulous creative spirit, God placed in me and I’ve never been happier in my life.

Perhaps you can relate to what I’ve been through, maybe you find yourself in that place now. Well, if you are, I say stop right now and fully embrace who you are. You see, we each were created with special gifts and by hiding them we are robbing the world of something very unique and special. We are robbing the world of us. Don’t waste another minute altering yourself to fit into a place you aren’t meant to be. Rise up in all your glorious you and join me in blessing this world with the beauty of who we really are.


Savannah J.  providing a place of tranquility away from the stress of life. 


Follow Savannah on Twitter   http://bit.ly/1tBBC6o 

on Google Plus http://bit.ly/1pnq9sP 

and on Facebook http://on.fb.me/10p1o32

Savannah is the author of The Prey now available in eBook on Kindle http://amzn.to/1xg0pgM and on Google Play Books http://bit.ly/1q5hncz

Also look for Raising Tristan on Google Play Books http://bit.ly/1pL4GqN and on Kindle http://amzn.to/1AlHl6g

The Ebb And Flow of Relationships

Still waters from South Carolina

I recently had a conversation with a relative about a six month relationship she was in that had ended. As we talked, I shared something I’ve observed in successful marriages/courtships. I’ve learned in these relationships there is a natural ebb and flow much like the waves of the ocean or river. Perhaps you’ve stood on the shoreline of the beach or the banks of a river and watched the water as it gently moved.

There is something special in the way the waves of the ocean roll in and then as if on cue, roll back out again. The same can be seen when observing the flow of a river. At times it may seem as if the waters of a river aren’t even moving, but they are; naturally, gently, easily to a larger body of water. I liken the sync between two people who are meant to be together to the ebb and flow of the ocean or river.

I’m not saying happy couples don’t hit rough waters, I just believe the natural rhythm between the two enables them to weather the storms and come out on top. As my cousin and I spoke more, I pointed out to her, this natural ebb and flow isn’t just seen or felt in relationships between men and women. Have you ever met someone who became a new friend because you just hit it off? There is a feeling as if you’ve known them for life? Even in disagreeing, there is harmony. This is the ebb and flow I’m speaking of.

I believe we know in the beginning when a relationship is right for us. I believe we feel that natural rhythm; we feel that we are in sync even though we’ve just met.I also believe we know when it isn’t right. There is an uneasiness and discord that’s felt. I have two best friends that happen to be men. Although, we are only friends, there is an uncanny ease between us, so much so, when I hangout with either of them, people think we’re a couple. Again, it’s this natural flow that I see between couples who are happy.

As my relative and I talked she began to realize her relationship had required extra work from day one. We even went on to talk about friendships we’ve had with women that took so much work, we grew tired and let the friendships go. “I see what you mean,” she eventually said.

I’ve been single for awhile, although I’ve dated. I’ve remained single because I now understand the natural ebb and flow of relationships. Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not looking for or expecting perfect. I’m just no longer trying to fit a square peg into a round hole, if you will. And I’m happy to say, I don’t think my relative will either.


Savannah J.  providing a place of tranquility away from the stress of life. 


Follow Savannah on Twitter   http://bit.ly/1tBBC6o 

on Google Plus http://bit.ly/1pnq9sP 

and on Facebook http://on.fb.me/10p1o32

Savannah is the author of The Prey now available in eBook on Kindle http://amzn.to/1xg0pgM and on Google Play Books http://bit.ly/1q5hncz

Also look for Raising Tristan on Google Play Books http://bit.ly/1pL4GqN and on Kindle http://amzn.to/1AlHl6g

Okay, so I’m not a beast.

my weights

I’ve been into health and fitness since I was eighteen years old. There were times when I’d slack off and gain a few pounds but when recommitting, I’d be fortunate to loose the weight. I’m usually in the gym four to five times a week. I do strength training two days a week.

A couple days ago, I went to the gym to do my cardio and strength training. I felt fine when doing the cardio, but when it came time for weights, I felt unusually tired. Me being me, I pushed through. That night, I felt lethargic and developed chest pain. I took a antacid and felt better. The next morning, the lethargy returned, I skipped the gym and I ended up in my doctors office receiving an EKG.

You may be wondering why I’m sharing my story with you. Well, I’d like to use myself as an example as to why we should listen to our bodies. So many times, especially in this day and age, we drive ourselves to the point of exhaustion in order to accomplish everything on our “To do” list. We allow life to pressure us into keeping up with some unseen force and truth be told, other people. We may work high pressured jobs with unrelenting managers. Perhaps we are self-employed with a certain quota to meet each month in order to stay in the black.

All of the above as it pertains to maintaining our lifestyle is understandable, but as my mother used to say, “take time each day to smell the roses.” My daily relaxation is in the form of meditation. I try to fit meditation in each day if only for fifteen to twenty minutes. Meditation clears the mind and allows clarity, it lowers the blood pressure and relaxes our muscles, to name a few.

Perhaps meditation isn’t your thing; well that’s understandable. I urge you, however, to find your form of relaxation. Whatever leads you to a place of tranquility and peace. It’s imperative we spend time loving on ourselves and giving back to us. I do believe de-stressing and detoxing on a daily basis is effective in keeping us healthy and may even promote longevity. So, on days when you find yourself pushing to the limits, remember it’s okay not to be a beast.


Savannah J.  providing a place of tranquility away from the stress of life. 


Follow Savannah on Twitter   http://bit.ly/1tBBC6o 

on Google Plus http://bit.ly/1pnq9sP 

and on Facebook http://on.fb.me/10p1o32

Savannah is the author of The Prey now available in eBook on Kindle http://amzn.to/1xg0pgM and on Google Play Books http://bit.ly/1q5hncz

Also look for Raising Tristan on Google Play Books http://bit.ly/1pL4GqN and on Kindle http://amzn.to/1AlHl6g

Many Shades of Motherhood…

I’m excited to have my blog titled On Being Mom, a tribute to my son listed among these great blogs on motherhood.

Magnanimous Word

On Mother’s Day, various blog authors have expressed their feelings in their posts. Here are some of them. Please have a look and ‘Like’ them if you like them. I picked them up randomly. Will add more as I come across good posts.

1).  Simple thanks to one’s mother:  Everything

2).  A mother thanks her wonderful son: On Being Mom

3). Mothering a sick child: Happy Mother’s Day

4). Mother and child…a snug feeling:  Happy Mother’s Day 

5). Becoming a mother, early motherhood:  Born Again

6). Beautiful thoughts of a daughter: My Mother

7).  How many candles?:  Mother’s Day cake

8).  Cute bond:  Best Bargain Ever

9).  Is it just a commercialised Love? :  The Truth About Mother’s Day

10).  On royal baby and royal mom:  Baby Princess Charlotte

11).  A son shares his thoughts of motherhood: Give her your time

12).  God is the…

View original post 27 more words

On Being Mom

Michael's shoes

In a few hours it’ll be Mother’s Day and although I had a amazing mother, I want to do things a little differently this year. I want to let the world know how grateful I am to be my son’s mom. The day his dad and I found out we were expecting a baby, I also was informed I was having complications. I would spend 18 weeks on bed rest in order to bring our son into this world. In later years, I would try and expand my family but to no avail. I believe because, God knew I would only be able to have one child, He sent me His best.

For many years, it was just the two of us; my son and me. The years as a single mother were far from easy but had I to do it all over again, I wouldn’t hesitate. My son has been my right arm through the years and I’m so grateful to have him in my life. He has almost single-handed nursed me through 4 surgeries and not once did he complain.

As a child, my son was my best travel partner. I’d strap him into his car seat and later booster seat and we’d go as far north as Buffalo, New York and as far south as Daytona Beach, Florida alone. Never once did he complain or ask are we there yet. He knows I love Super Heroes and each year for Mother’s Day my son takes me to see a Super Hero movie. He buys me popcorn and a drink and patiently sits with me as I laugh, cry and cheer at the screen.

Growing up, my son went through so much. He was bullied, made fun of and mistreated by children and adults. I spent many hours fighting for him in the natural and warring for him in the spirit. He is a man now and God has kept His promise and given me an amazing son who is so much more than I could have imagined for myself.

Only 5% of Boy Scouts make Eagle Scout and I’m proud to say, my son has. He works a full time job and is patiently building his photography business. He has traveled to several states with the musicians and bands he photographs and receives referrals for other opportunities to work with politicians and other professionals. Some parents can boast and brag about their children having multiple degrees and high powered jobs; I don’t have that option but I am equally proud of my son.

I am proud of him because, he dares to be different and carve his own path. I once heard a quote about water that says, “Water is powerful. It can wash away earth, put out fire, and even destroy iron.Water can carve its way through stone. And when trapped, water makes a new path.” (Memoirs of a Geisha) That quote reminds me of my son; he is a gentle spirit but when need be, he can rise to the occasion.

I praise God each time I think of my son. I am blessed beyond measure to have him in my life. I tell him pretty much on a daily basis, how much I love him and how I couldn’t ask for a better son. To God be the glory for the things He has done. To all mother’s everywhere, I wish you the best Mother’s Day ever!


Savannah J.  providing a place of tranquility away from the stress of life. 


Follow Savannah on Twitter   http://bit.ly/1tBBC6o 

on Google Plus http://bit.ly/1pnq9sP 

and on Facebook http://on.fb.me/10p1o32

Savannah is the author of The Prey now available in eBook on Kindle http://amzn.to/1xg0pgM and on Google Play Books http://bit.ly/1q5hncz

Also look for Raising Tristan on Google Play Books http://bit.ly/1pL4GqN and on Kindle http://amzn.to/1AlHl6g

Fear! But then again, what do we have to be afraid of?

Fear slide

There is an office park that I frequently pass while running errands. At times when passing that particular area, I recall days gone by; a time when I was on a different path. I was headed in a direction not meant for me. Now, as I look back over those days, I have no regrets in changing my course, what I do wonder about is, where my life would have been had I embraced another opportunity afforded me.

The opportunity I’m speaking of isn’t the only one I passed up out of fear. I’ve had friends and family tell me, perhaps those things weren’t meant for me, because what’s for us we will have. I would like to beg the difference. Sometime, we miss once in a lifetime connections because we allow our insecurities to hold us back. I’m now a firm believer, fear is nothing more than a false perception of something that will never come to pass.

I’m not referring to the type of fear which keeps us safe, such as not walking down a dark alley at night alone because we fear we may get mugged. I’m speaking of the apprehension which keeps us from moving forward. Had I not been afraid of pushing myself through music school, perhaps I’d be a music teacher today. Had I not been afraid to acknowledge my talents when asked about them, perhaps I’d be acting in a small local acting guild.

It’s high time we stop allowing our anxieties to rule our decisions. For the past couple of years, I’ve been working on embracing who I am as a woman and artist and it feels amazing. I attend networking events alone and meet wonderful people who think like me. I join in on challenging activities with the young people in my family that I wouldn’t ordinarily participate in. I no longer consider talking about my talents an uncomfortable topic, and neither should you. There is nothing wrong with believing in ourselves. After-all, our family and friends believe in us. So, let’s grab the bull by the horns and ride after all what do we have to be afraid of?


Savannah J.  providing a place of tranquility away from the stress of life. 


Follow Savannah on Twitter   http://bit.ly/1tBBC6o 

on Google Plus http://bit.ly/1pnq9sP 

and on Facebook http://on.fb.me/10p1o32

Savannah is the author of The Prey now available in eBook on Kindle http://amzn.to/1xg0pgM and on Google Play Books http://bit.ly/1q5hncz

Also look for Raising Tristan on Google Play Books http://bit.ly/1pL4GqN and on Kindle http://amzn.to/1AlHl6g