Out On a Ledge


“When I was out on the cliff, I began to see things clearly. All I wanted was to be with you, and so, I hung on until you came.” The previous (paraphrased) line was spoken by the character, Jessica in  the movie The Man From Snowy River. I was moved to tears by that line because it reminded me of my relationship with God.

There was a time in my life as you know, when things had become so cloudy, I didn’t think I was going to make it. I was drowning in despair and like a woman going down for the third time, I knew my life was on the line. Now, it wasn’t until I entered the medical field, that I understood what “going down for the third time’ really meant. When a person is drowning, they expend all their energy trying to stay above water. Instead of relaxing and allowing their body to float, they fight against the water with all their might.

The first time a drowning person go under water, they have enough strength to fight their way back to the top. Each time they go under, more energy is expended and by the time they go under for the third time, the body is spent and the individual usually doesn’t resurface. In my darkest moment, I was like that drowning victim, going down for the third time, but with my hand and arm still above water. Even more so, I was like the character, Jessica in the movie “The Man From Snowy River,” sitting on a small ledge on the side of a mountain suspended above what seemed a bottomless drop that had I slipped would surely end in death. Above me, a straight climb up the side of the mountain, I was unable or prepared to make alone.

As I looked down, things came into perspective. I knew I didn’t want to die. What I wanted was a second chance at life; to love God more and with my whole heart. I wanted an opportunity to not only tell but demonstrate to my family and friends the love I had for them and so, I hung on and waited. I knew beyond a shadow of doubt, my Father God would come for me. I was confident, He would extend his hand and lock his fingers around my wrist and pull me to safety.

Perhaps you find yourself out on a ledge, unable to move forward or backward without falling. You may be like a drowning victim, going under for the third time. I say to you thrust your arm in the air and God will grab a hold and pull you to safety. He is no respecter of person; if He did it for me, He’ll do it for you.


Savannah J.  providing a place of tranquility away from the stress of life. 


Follow Savannah on Twitter   http://bit.ly/1tBBC6o 

on Google Plus http://bit.ly/1pnq9sP 

and on Facebook http://on.fb.me/10p1o32

Savannah is the author of The Prey now available in eBook on Kindle http://amzn.to/1xg0pgM and on Google Play Books http://bit.ly/1q5hncz

Also look for Raising Tristan on Google Play Books http://bit.ly/1pL4GqN and on Kindle http://amzn.to/1AlHl6g

My Cup Overflows

cup overflow

Part 6:

My dear cousin passed away at the young age of 56. We were first cousins; two brother’s children. Our birthdays were three months apart to the day. As children, she and I were inseparable. The day I got the news of her death, it was surreal. I could only think, how could she leave me. I had plans of us growing old together while we enjoyed each other’s company. My precious cousin being gone from me was more than I could handle.

I drifted into a place of darkness and I fought to hold onto God’s hand. Try though I may, I could feel myself slip away until I entered what seemed a black hole. But God! One night at work a co-worker stopped me and asked why I was so down, little did I know, she was the vessel God would use to bring me back from the place of despair.

On that night, it was as if the Heavens opened up and God Himself reached down and grabbed my arm and pulled me back from the brink of despondency. I made a decision to find someone to confide in but more importantly, from that day on, I spent time in the Word of God each morning. As soon as my eyes opened each day, before I climbed out of bed, for one full year, I studied the Bible. Although I was raised in the church, to study God’s Word with this type of commitment was new to me. My time with the Lord was time well spent.

I can honestly say, God never gave up on me, He was waiting for me to stretch out my hand and heart to Him. My relationship with my Savior is deeper than it’s ever been and I know beyond a shadow of doubt, God loves me. When I say God saved my life and delivered me, believe me He did.

God has blessed me with the gift of writing and I’m beginning to sing again. I’ve met and formed new friendships with like-minded women and I’m being mentored to sharpen my business skills. I have never been happier and I’ve never felt more alive in my life. Perhaps you are facing a challenge. Please allow me to encourage you to cry out to God. Open up your heart to Him and trust Him completely.

The struggles we endure aren’t for naught. God uses each situation to perfect us and to prepare us for Him. He is no respecter of person, so if God did it for me, He’ll do it for you too. If I can be of help to you in anyway, don’t hesitate to email me. God’s blessings and God’s speed!


Savannah J, providing a place of tranquility away from the stress of life. 


Follow Savannah on Twitter   http://bit.ly/1tBBC6o 

on Google Plus http://bit.ly/1pnq9sP 

and on Facebook http://on.fb.me/10p1o32

Savannah is the author of The Prey now available in eBook on Kindle http://amzn.to/1xg0pgM and on Google Play Books http://bit.ly/1q5hncz

Also look for Raising Tristan on Google Play Books http://bit.ly/1pL4GqN and on Kindle http://amzn.to/1AlHl6g

My Cup Overflows

cup overflow

Part 5:

I left the music world and attended nursing school. Once I completed nursing school, I made a bee-line as my mother used to say for Richmond, Virginia. My plan was to get as far away as possible from my troubles and begin a new life. In my haste to start over, I failed to realize I couldn’t outrun my troubles. My mother tried to convince me to stay home and get a job there until I was on my feet but I just wanted to get away.

After a few years here, I married and had a son; my greatest gift from God next to His Son and salvation. My marriage didn’t last and I found myself a single mother. Single motherhood was a challenge but I embraced it fully; my son was and still is the love of my life. I formed relationships in Richmond but because I was depressed, I attached myself to unhealthy friendships. That old saying, “misery loves company,” is so true. I found myself making poor financial decisions as well.

In the midst of all of my struggles, it seemed my singing career completely dried up. I sang at church but not in the way I had in Delaware. The interesting thing is, I never thought it was me. I thought God had closed the door to my artistic outlets completely. I failed to grasp the fact, I was reaping the harvest of my decisions. It was me who decided not to attend Boston University and pursue my dreams, not God. And because God gives us free will, He didn’t intervene when I made my choice. The fact I was no longer using my gift, sent me further into unrest. I became anxious, grouchy and moody.

As the years passed, my inner turmoil proliferated. I was searching for peace but I didn’t realize the peace I sought was with me all along. You see, God never left my side, he was just waiting on me. I’d grown up in church and knew the Word of God, but as my mother would often tell me, I needed to know God for myself. In other words, I needed a personal relationship with Him. My time of reckoning would come on the heels of the death of a very close cousin.


Savannah J, providing a place of tranquility away from the stress of life. 


Follow Savannah on Twitter   http://bit.ly/1tBBC6o 

on Google Plus http://bit.ly/1pnq9sP 

and on Facebook http://on.fb.me/10p1o32

Savannah is the author of The Prey now available in eBook on Kindle http://amzn.to/1xg0pgM and on Google Play Books http://bit.ly/1q5hncz

Also look for Raising Tristan on Google Play Books http://bit.ly/1pL4GqN and on Kindle http://amzn.to/1AlHl6g