My life matters!


From the desk of Savannah J


One day earlier in the week, I made the mistake of comparing my life to that of, an old acquaintance. Now, the entire time I was making this comparison, I knew I was wrong. Psalm 139 explains to us how important each of us are to God. The Psalmist states that we are uniquely and wondrously made. From that statement alone, I gather, it is insulting to God for me to even make such comparisons between myself and another human being. Yet and still, I did.


This particular friend went on to become the pastor of a large congregation in another town. His wife is a minister as well and between them, they share numerous degrees. As I sat reading their biographies, my life seemed to pale in comparison, and I completely forgot about all the wonderful blessings, God has bestowed on me. It was not until I felt so badly about myself, and I began to feel sad that I said the words aloud, “My life matters.” I spoke those words clearly and audibly, because I needed to remind myself of my importance.


From this experience, I learned a valuable lesson. I learned first and foremost how important it is to take God at His Word, and to embrace all He has for me. Perhaps, I’m not the wife of a prominent minister, or wealthy or a world renown author but “My life matters.” I matter to my son and family. I matter to my friends and co-workers. I matter to my church and community. But above all, I matter to God.


So often in life, we get caught up in the achievements of others and our well wishes for them go from, joy to despair; especially when we have not seen any progress in our own lives. We sit and wonder, when will things work out for me? Or when will I get my big break? It is at those times, that we must totally trust God’s plan for our lives.


You see, God is not moved by our impatience, or whining or complaining. His timing is not our timing, nor are His blessings for another, ours. What God has for us, is for us. And so, the next time you look around and it appears that, everyone is having a breakthrough except you. Or your plans just aren’t coming to fruition, remember God’s promises to us are, “Yes and Amen.” And so, take your eyes off man and place them on God. Look in the mirror and tell yourself, “My life matters.” Because, dear heart, it does.


Until we meet again, may the peace of God be with you.

Savannah J


Hidden Treasures

From the desk of Savannah J

Recently my son and I sat down to watch the movie, “Air Bud.” Now, I know “Air Bud” is a children’s movie and both my son and I are grown, but on occasion, we enjoy a good kiddie flick.  The movie, for those who may not be familiar, is about a young man, Josh Framm (played by Kevin Ziggers) who wants to play basketball for his school.

One day while out practicing, Josh is befriended by Buddy, a dog who has run away from his abusive owner. Much to Josh’s amazement, Buddy is quite skilled at playing basketball himself. The two become inseparable.

As I sat watching the movie, I noticed something, I hadn’t before. The character played by actor, Bill Cobbs was a former New York Knicks player, now living in relative, obscurity. Although, Arthur Chaney (Cobb’s character) had been working in Josh’s school as a custodian for awhile, no one seemed to notice who he was; that is until Josh figured it out.

As the movie continued, the main coach was fired for abusing one of the students. Josh stepped up and suggested to the principle to make Chaney the new coach. The principle had no idea, they had this hidden treasure in the form of Arthur with them all along.

Josh Framm was wise enough to look beyond Chaney’s current outer appearance, and see the jewel beneath. Because he did this, their team finished champions. There is another piece here that also comes into play. The principle listened to Josh. Just think of the outcome had she not.

In our lives, there are always hidden treasures; people we overlook for one reason or another. They are homeless, or loud and abrasive, or slow to speak or maybe even shy and introverted. For some reason, they just don’t seem to bring anything to the table.

The Bible says in Hebrews 13:2 “Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.” Now, I don’t believe the Word meant to be foolish here and not use caution with people; especially in today’s world. What I do believe it means, is not to overlook those who seem insignificant. You may be surprised who God will use to bless you.

Until we meet again, “may the blessings of The Lord Jesus Christ be upon your spirits.” Philippians 4:23

Savannah J

What are you building?

Today, like most of the world, I find myself shocked and saddened by the death of singer, Whitney Houston. Comments and condolences are pouring in from all over the world to her ex-husband Bobby Brown and their daughter, Bobbi-Kristina.

When my brother first called me last night with the news, I wanted to believe it wasn’t true. But when I turned on one of the major news networks, I was forced to accept that it was.

After Whitney returned to the industry, I went out and purchased her CD; I was so pulling for her to make a successful come-back. I realized her voice had taken a hit because of her past, but I still hoped and prayed for the best for her.

This morning before rising, I was laying in bed thinking not only of Whitney, but others who have crossed over into eternity. From that, came thoughts of our legacy. And so, my question to you and myself is, what are you building?

There is a verse in Proverbs 13:22 that says “A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children . . .” Now, some may interpret that to mean money, and it probably does, but I believe the Psalmist also meant a legacy.

Two of the people who came to my mind as I lay in bed in addition to Whitney, Don Cornelius and Etta James, were my parents. You see, I believe our legacy isn’t evident until we cross over. The global condolences pouring in to the Houston/Brown family are evidence that in spite of it all, Whitney has left a legacy.

I recently watched a tribute to Don Cornelius and was amazed at the lives he touched through, Soul Train; his legacy. Snoop Dog’s testimony touched me most when he stated, (paraphrased) that after he was on Soul Train, he knew he had made it and hadn’t looked back since.

By now, you may be wondering where my parents fit into all of this. Well, when they died their legacy was also evident in the condolences. Both of my parents died in the state of Virginia and family and friends from Delaware and states north chartered buses and formed caravan’s of cars, to attend their funerals. It felt so comforting to look out into that church and see a standing room only crowd. That being said, my question again; what are you building?

When I go on to be with the Lord, I want my works to speak for me. I want people to approach my son and tell him all the wonderful things I did for them; how I made a difference in their lives. I want to be remembered, just as my parents and Whitney will be, for generations to come.

The Lord has given me the Ministry of Helps and I embrace it fully, even when criticized. I want to do God’s will for my life and build a legacy that not only my son can be proud of, but my grandchildren for generations to come.

For me, it’s not about the fame or fortune or things but living my best life. Take some personal time and reflect on your life; where do you see it going say three years from now? How about five to ten years from now? Are you building a legacy that your family will be proud of? That you will be proud to leave behind? If not, why not start now?

Until we meet again, God’s peace be over you, around you, and in you.

Savannah J

What are you building?

“Live Like You Were Dying”

From the desk of Savannah J

Tonight, I had the pleasure of dinning with a group of women, whom I am very fond of, but don’t get to spend much time with. At the beginning of the evening, we shared and caught up. I was shocked and saddened to learn that a former co-worker had buried her husband last fall and I’m sure he wasn’t much older than me. Another in the group shared some concerning news as well.

I sat there listening to everyone, and thinking about how fortunate I am. I have my health and my family including my son, is well. I couldn’t help but think, “There but by the grace of God, go I.” On the way home the song by Tim McGraw, “Live Like You Were Dying,” came to mind.

How many times, do we utter the words, “Live each day as if it were your last,” but yet we fail to do so. We get caught up in the things that mean little, such as riches, possessions, and high powered jobs and pushing our children and spouses to their limits so that we have bragging rights. I mean, lets face it, every child is not a genius and every spouse is not CEO material.

Please don’t get what I’m saying, misconstrued. I am by no means calling anyone’s child or significant other unintelligent, nor am I saying we shouldn’t try our best. What I am saying is meet people where they are; accepting them for who they are.

When I heard my friend say, ‘we’re packing as much as we can into however much time we have left,’ it brought things further into perspective. What really is important to me? To you? On the other hand, during a conversation with my sister, who is set to retire soon, I mentioned that she could now do all the things she’s always wanted to. She turned to me and said, “I already have.”

It occurred to me, my sister has been living her life along. She didn’t wait for retirement or to have a certain amount of money in the bank or to even to have the right person in her life; she simply lived.

After the conversation with my dear friends, I decided that I’m on the right path. I’ve started eating better; realized Valentine’s Day is about more then a romantic relationship; tell my family how much I love them more often, and kiss my adult son whenever I get the notion.  I no longer allow anyone to use me as a trash can for their unhappiness because they refuse to live their best life. And above all, I’m growing in my Spiritual walk.

If you haven’t taken the time to listen to the song, “Live Like You Were Dying,” by Tim McGraw, please take a minute, go to youtube and do so. Even if you don’t, start now, wherever you are, to live your best life. If you’ve never really given it a thought and don’t know where to start, well, just spend some quiet time listening to your heart. All you need to know, is right there.

I wish you peace, Savannah J

Don’t get it twisted!

From the desk of Savannah J.

Have you ever met someone who was so kind you found them unbelievable? It seemed that whatever you needed they were there time and time again to assist? So much so that when they said, ‘no’ you were stunned?

A close friend and I had a talk about mistaking kindness for weakness. She made an interesting remark that I’d never really thought of. She said, “When people mistake kindness for weakness, they should keep in mind, it’s just that; kindness.” She finished her statement with the words, “Don’t get it twisted.”

My friend is correct in her thinking concerning those of us who’ve been noted to be exceptionally kind. I’ve often had people tell me, I’m too kind, only to be taken-a-back when I tell them, ‘no’ or I stand up for myself.

It is what it is; kindness. Now, perhaps you, too, have a kind heart but have been reluctant to act on it because you don’t want to be taken advantage of. To that I say, live and walk in your calling. God didn’t call you to be a doormat, He called you to the Ministry of Helps. One of the most important of all.

Just keep in mind what my friend said and what I whole heartily endorse; it’s just kindness. Don’t live your entire life, pushing your calling down because of a few misguided souls. Allow God, to use you to be His hands in blessing others; I promise you a joy you can’t imagine when they say thank you.

God’s plan for us is perfect and He doesn’t make mistakes. So, the next time you feel led to be a blessing but are afraid to move forward. Or the next time you help someone, only to have them try and use you, remind them and yourself of what my friend said. “It’s only kindness; don’t get it twisted!

My best Valentine’s Day ever!

I never thought I’d hear myself say this, but I do believe this will be my best Valentine’s Day ever. Now, in order to fully understand that statement, you should know that, Valentine’s Day is my least favorite holiday. I feel that it is a useless, overrated day that causes misery in a lot of people.

There are those, who find themselves counting down the days until Valentine’s Day, as if they are awaiting their execution. They smile on the outside but inward, their wish is for the day to come and go as quickly as possible. For whatever the reason, they are lonely.

Perhaps it’s a widower who recently buried his first and only love of his life. Or, it maybe a teenaged girl nursing her first broken heart.  Whomever they are, all the talk, glitz and candy only deepens their pain.

There are those who will say, perhaps I don’t care for Valentine’s Day because, I’m single. Well, let me bring you up to speed; I didn’t care for Valentine’s Day when I was married. This year however, I’m feeling very different. This year God is giving me a lesson in true love. I’m learning the meaning of real Agape love; unconditional love.

I’m learning that love isn’t just about the romantic feelings we have for a man or woman, although that’s important. What I’m being taught, is to appreciate everyone in my life who loves me. I am surrounded with so much love its unbelievable and I’m very humbled by it.

You see, I no longer need flowers or candy or jewelry from a man to feel validated for Valentine’s Day. Can a sistah be real here for a minute? Now, don’t tell me that you haven’t at least once in your life, felt left out on, Valentine’s Day, because you were single. Well, I have and I’m not ashamed to admit it. I believe that by admitting to my challenges, I may help someone else.

Okay, before I digress, this year is so different for me because, as I stated earlier, I’m learning to appreciate all those in my life who love me. I’m still single and absolutely loving it! I’m enjoying the quiet time I have with the Lord; my quality time with my son and my time spent with my writing.

I have so much joy in my heart, I almost feel like God’s favorite. But then again, I am! We are all His favorite. And, if we will take the time to totally immerse ourselves in Him, He will shower us with a love and peace beyond understanding.

This year on February 14th, I will have the opportunity to be interviewed by The Bad Girl of Urban Lit on her blog talk radio show; a blessing sent by God. I will spend time with my family and friends and shower them with love. I will not mourn the fact that I’m single but I will rejoice and embrace my alone-ness. And above all, I will love my Lord and myself with all that’s in me.

I’m excited to say, I’m single and not looking for a relationship, actually, I’m not even interested in a relationship. I’m too busy loving the life and the skin I’m in. Yup, I do believe this year’s will be my best Valentine’s Day yet and I owe it all to God.