Bitter-Sweet Memories


One day last week, I attended a networking event for women in my area. The venue was in a shopping center I used to frequent as young mother after my son was born. There was a store at that time in the shopping center, that sold discounted children’s wear, and furniture. I can remember buying my son a highchair, stroller and disposable diapers there.

After the event was over, I did a slow cruise through the parking lot. So many memories filled my mind and heart. I recalled the sound of my son’s voice as a child and the sweet smell of his skin as a baby and toddler. The remembrance of those days, now long since gone brought tears to my eyes. I’d say they were bitter-sweet.

Bitter-sweet because time continues on and we can’t go back, When my son was a little boy, I did things with him to create memories for both of us. I spent quite a bit of quality time with him; I took lots of pictures with my camera and my mind. I used to hold his tiny hands as often as I could. I’d sit by his bed and watch him sleep and when he fell asleep in my arms, I’d listen to the sound of him breathing close to my ear.

I’m so incredibly thankful for my son and having had the opportunity to raise him. My son has been an exceptional child and young man. As a baby and toddler, he used to wake from a nap laughing. He never gave me a minutes grief as a teenager. He obtained the rank of Eagle Scout and is now a phenomenal photographer.

Looking back over our past can be bitter-sweet when we realize the past can not be relived and there are things we’d like to change or experience again. But we can draw from the sweetness of those memories and focus on the now and future, because I believe the best is yet to come. If you find yourself living in the past, may I kindly suggest you refocus your thoughts? What is done is done and what is gone is gone, however, if we learn to live in the now; to be present in this moment our views on life will change completely.

I miss the days of my son as a baby and little boy but his days as a young adult man bring me just as much joy. He still comes to me with wonder and excitement in his eyes when experiencing something new. He still shares his hopes and dreams with me and believe it or not, we still play around and act silly sometimes.

The present has so many wonderful things to offer us as does the future. Lets keep our eyes focused on the now and enjoy the blessings of today, with that we will reap the sweet without the bitter.


Savannah J.  providing a place of tranquility away from the stress of life. 


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Savannah is the author of The Prey now available in eBook on Kindle and on Google Play Books

Also look for Raising Tristan on Google Play Books and on Kindle

Suddenly Single

Hot air balloon

It’s spring in the Old Dominion and I find myself suddenly single; well maybe not suddenly single but single non-the-less. In all actuality, I’ve been single for quite some time now. I once heard a young lady who is also single say, she couldn’t decide if it was harder to be single in the fall/winter or spring/summer. I agree.

I’m a part of a wonderfully close-knit family. Within my family, I’m a part of a small circle of about seven cousins, and we are also like best friends. The interesting thing is, the other six are all in long term committed relationships; I’m the only one who is not. For most women, a situation like mine may pose a problem. It could cause one to wonder, what is wrong with me? Why is everyone in my circle in a committed relationship and I’m not?

There was a time in my life when I would have questioned my desirability as a woman, but praise be to God, I’ve grown. I’m now comfortable with myself and enjoy my own company. I don’t mind going to events alone although, I appreciate the company when available. I’ve learned not to compromise myself or my beliefs, just to have a date. I would rather be alone, than to settle.

My new state of mind wasn’t easy to come by; it required work and determination. It took learning to appreciate my own beauty for what it is, and embracing my femininity. Self esteem, self worth, and self confidence can not be taught. We can receive all the praise in the world, but until we choose to accept and value ourselves, those compliments fall on deaf ears.

To my sisters, (and brothers too) out there who find yourselves suddenly single or like me, you’ve been single for quite a few years, I say don’t despair. Take your eyes off of your circumstances and look beyond yourself. There is so much beauty around you to appreciate. Find something that brings you joy on a daily basis and concentrate on it. When you begin to see beyond yourself and open yourself to Spirit, the things you desire will come; even a mate.

I truly believe what we think as well as speak comes to pass. If we think good thoughts and fill ourselves with joy, I believe we attract that which we desire. In other words, I believe the Law of Attraction is real. Right now, I’m believing for some pretty incredible things. My cousins are believing for me and tell me my mate is on his way; that would be fantastic. But in the meantime, I’m content as I am. A mate would be icing on my cake. My life and perspective on my life is my cake and it tastes pretty good. To have someone to share my life with will only add more sweetness to it.

Now, I’m not saying I want to spend my life alone, because I don’t, I’m saying, I don’t obsess with being alone. I’m using my quiet time to grow me and develop a closer relationship with Spirit, my family and friends. As I said earlier, if you find yourself alone, be encouraged. Focus your thinking on what you desire, fill your heart with joy and embrace life to the fullest and soon your dreams will manifest right before your eyes.


Savannah J.  providing a place of tranquility away from the stress of life. 


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Savannah is the author of The Prey now available in eBook on Kindle and on Google Play Books

Also look for Raising Tristan on Google Play Books and on Kindle

The Hero in Us

Daybreak by Michael

I recently read about the death of young basketball star, Lauren Hill (not the singer). In reading about Ms. Hill, I also viewed a video about her life and success as a basketball great. What impressed me most was her never give up spirit. She was determined to live the best life possible regardless her diagnosis and prognosis. (For those not familiar with Lauren Hill, she recently died of a brain tumor at the age of 19.) As I sat watching Ms. Hill’s video, I couldn’t help but cry. What a fighting spirit she had and what an example she left for all of us.

The story of Lauren caused me to pause and question my own legacy. What, if any impression am I making on those around me. Am I seen as someone to look up too? Is my life an example for others to follow? When they look at me do they see a woman of God or just a woman?

I once heard a saying about the dates and wording on tomb stones; it went something like this, “When you look at a tombstone, you see a name, something nice about the person, the year they were born and the year they died…and a small dash in between. The dash…it’s what we do between the time we’re born and the time we die…that’s what’s most important. It’s critical because the dash is your identity…it’s who you are—husband, wife, mom, dad.  The dash is your influence…it’s how you touch the lives of others.  The dash is your legacy…it’s what you’ll leave behind to future generations.” Mark Merrill.

Young Lauren Hill died a hero in my eyes and the eyes of many others because of what she chose to do with her dash. She chose to be an example to other children living with and fighting cancer. She used her energy when not on the court to raise awareness to childhood cancer. Ms. Hill used her dash to make a difference.

In the year 2000, I lost a sister to ovarian cancer. I vowed not allow her death to be in vain. My dream and my goal was to start a non-profit in her honor and raise awareness to ovarian cancer. I made a written plan and enlisted the help of a relative who started a successful non-profit in her late daughter’s honor. Fifteen years later, I’ve done nothing. After viewing Lauren Hill’s video, I decided to move forward with my plans by hosting an event this fall for Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month and donating the proceeds to ovarian cancer research.

It doesn’t take much to be a hero in someone’s eyes. It may be something as simple as helping children or seniors learn to read. Volunteering at the local food bank or shelter or becoming a Big Brother or Big Sister to a young person who needs guidance. I challenge you to join me and embrace the hero in you and make a difference in our world. Goodness knows this world can use it and what better time than now.

If you belong to an organization making an impact on your community or if you’re doing something on your own to improve our world, drop me a note in the comments section and let me know. I’d love to hear from you and you never know who you may inspire.


Savannah J.  providing a place of tranquility away from the stress of life. 


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Savannah is the author of The Prey now available in eBook on Kindle and on Google Play Books

Also look for Raising Tristan on Google Play Books and on Kindle

Sometimes The Answer Is No


Have you ever wished or prayed for something or someone to come into your life only to have the longing go unfulfilled? I’m sure you have, as a matter of fact, I don’t know of anyone who hasn’t experienced that type of disappointment. I’ve experienced the frustration of an unmet desire a few times myself. What I eventually learned is sometimes, God in His infinite wisdom says no.

When I was younger, I wanted five children, I have one. I tried everything, even adoption but nothing seemed to work for me. Finally I had a talk with myself and accepted the fact, I was meant to be a mother of one. You see, in life no matter how much we want a thing to happen for us, sometimes the answer is no.

I believe my Higher Power whom I choose to call God, says no for very good reasons. If God is our Father, as a parent, sometimes He must say no to protect us. I had a difficult pregnancy with my son and came close to death in childbirth. It stands to reason had I had another child, I may not have lived. It took me quite a few years to wrap my mind around that fact as I desperately wanted more children.

Today, I’m grateful for God’s infinite wisdom. It’s kept me safe on more than one occasion and guided me on many others. I now find myself advising younger people on the affairs of life and I don’t hesitate to let them know, it’s okay to say no. I tell them, no is a good answer. We may not want to hear it, but it’s okay. When we’ve reached our limits and our plates are full, and we’re asked to do one more thing saying no can keep us from burnout.

Disappointments in life will always come; it doesn’t have to stop us from moving forward. At those times we must seek new direction to achieve our goals. In the instances where nothing we try works, perhaps that thing or person we’re seeking isn’t for us. Sometimes the answer is no.


Savannah J.  providing a place of tranquility away from the stress of life. 


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Savannah is the author of The Prey now available in eBook on Kindle and on Google Play Books

Also look for Raising Tristan on Google Play Books and on Kindle

“Mercy Said No!”

Daybreak by Michael

When my son was about five years old, we were involved in what could have been a fatal car accident had it not been for faith in God and the power of prayer. I was taking my son to school one morning and became distracted. I did the one thing a driver should never do, I took my eyes off the road. Although I glanced away for a brief period, when I looked up, I was headed into oncoming traffic and I panicked.

I can remember screaming out my son’s name again and again as I over corrected the car time and again. (Later he would ask me why I kept calling his name and I explained it was because I didn’t want to hurt him.)  I could hear the tires screeching as I swerved into the lane for oncoming traffic and then fought to keep the car from running into a ditch on my side of the road. I struggled for several seconds to control my car and when I realized, I couldn’t, I cried out, “Jesus help us!”

Before I go on, allow me to paint a picture of the area my son and I were in. We were on route 30, a two-lane road in King William County, Virginia. Because of the saw mills and pulp mills in that area, route 30 is heavily traveled by semi-trucks carrying cut timber. As my car veered from one lane to the other, by the grace of God, not a truck or car approached us, nor was there a car or truck behind us. It was as if we were the only vehicle on the road at that time.

After I cried out “Jesus help us,” I literally felt the power of God wrench the steering wheel from my hands. At this point the front end of my car was headed for a ditch and some woods behind the ditch. Instead of my car continuing in that direction, it turned 180 degrees and came to an abrupt stop. When I looked up, I was on the shoulder of the road parked directly between to roadside signs. My son was still in his car seat, unharmed. Men from a nearby auto repair shop came running to aid us, followed by a State Police Officer who responded to our accident.

I sat in my seat and cried and praised God. The officer marveled at how my car sat between those two sign posts, which by the way were still standing. He kept repeating, “Ma’am, I don’t know how you did this.” My response was, “you don’t understand, it wasn’t me, it was God.” I give Him all praise and glory for saving the lives of my son and me that day. By all appearances, we were on our way to a sure death, but in the words of CeCe Winans, “Mercy Said No!”

Perhaps you are dealing with a life or death situation. Maybe your circumstances aren’t life or death but are challenging your very faith. Remember what God did for me and my son early that morning and know He is more than able and willing to deliver you too. Be blessed!


Savannah J.  providing a place of tranquility away from the stress of life. 


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Savannah is the author of The Prey now available in eBook on Kindle and on Google Play Books

Also look for Raising Tristan on Google Play Books and on Kindle