Ms Ella-ism #3: “Baby, it won’t be so always.”

I just had a heartbreaking conversation with a close relative. She is really struggling with some issues and seems to never catch a break. When I take the time to think about it, she isn’t the only person I’ve encountered who has problem after problem in life.

I’ve said in a previous blog, I’m a seeker of wisdom, not just for me but for others as well. Now, I don’t know about you, but when I’m going through something, the last thing I need to hear when calling a friend is their problems. I learned a lot from my mother and one of those things was the art of listening. There were times, I’d call Mom because I knew at the end of the conversation, she’s offer a piece of wisdom I could hold onto.

One of the things she’d tell me is, “Baby, it won’t be so always.” It may not sound like much, but Mom knew enough to look down the road and see an ending to my problem. As I’ve grown older, and I come up against a touch situation, I often repeat those words to myself, “Baby, it won’t be so always.”

Looking around at others, at times it seems as though they have it all together; as if nothing ever goes wrong for them.  Well, I assure you, it does. Perhaps like my relative, you are struggling with something today, be it a business, family, a job or a relationship to name a few. Well, I encourage you to dig deep and find the fortitude to keep moving forward, knowing there is an end insight. As my mom Ms. Ella would say, “Baby, it won’t be so always.” 

Savannah J, she adds a sass to every page. 

The Prey: She knows all about you.

Asha Carrington stepped into Carter’s office looking good enough to eat. As soon as he saw her, he realized his attraction to her, no matter how crazy she had been.   She wore a black cashmere suit with a skirt that hugged her size 24 inch waist, and cupped her butt just right making it appear larger than it actually was. It flared at the hem line.   When she turned to remove her suit jacket, Carter automatically reached to help her. It was if he couldn’t help himself; he had to touch her.   As her jacket slid from her shoulders, Carter allowed his fingers to trace her arms. Asha smiled; her plan was coming together just as expected.

“Have a seat, Asha,” He said, as he looked up and noticed, Elise still in the doorway. Her expression told him she disapproved of his actions.

“I’m leaving your door open; call me if you need anything,” Elise said, as she walked away.

“So, what did you want to discuss with me?” Asha asked. Her aggressiveness reminded him of why he had her in his office in the first place.

“Well,” he started, “I’m curious as to what it is exactly you want from me, Asha.”

“Want?” She feigned confusion.

“Yes, want. You’ve sent me numerous gifts; expensive gifts I might add. Had flowers delivered to my home and insisted on a meeting exclusively with me to have your portfolio revamped. I’d say you want something from me. So, what is it?”

Asha took a minute to answer; she wanted her words to be just right. “When we met on the boat, in New York, I found you to be attractive. I noticed you were with someone so, I stayed my distance. But over the course of the following weeks, I couldn’t get you out of my mind. I knew that if you were on my heart that strongly, you were meant to be a part of my life.”

Carter looked at, Asha as if she had lost her mind. “How can you make that type of judgment call based on one boat ride? You don’t even know me?!”

“But, I do. Didn’t you like the gifts I sent? They were all your favorites. If I didn’t know you, how did I know you like shopping at Saks or eating at Croaker Spot or what type of perfume you enjoy smelling on your woman?! How would I know all of that, if I didn’t know you?!”   Asha’s demeanor had gone from one of calm and engaging to boarder-line agitation. Startled by her out burst, Carter chose his next words very carefully.

“Okay, let me put it this way, I appreciate your interest as a matter of fact, I’m flattered but―”

“But?!” she cut him off and jumped to her feet. “But?!” she repeated once more, “Don’t you find me attractive?”

“Yes, Asha you are a very beautiful woman, but I’m engaged to be married and I’m very much in love with my fiancée.”   The room grew dead silent and the same chill, Carter felt after his phone conversation with, Asha he now felt. She slowly returned to her chair and as she did, Carter swore he saw her eye color change from blue-gray to red.

“Listen, I’m not trying to hurt you, Asha but like I said, I’m already involved. If you want I can return the gifts, well, all except the flowers of course.”

Carter opened a drawer in his desk and removed her gifts one by one. When he placed the bottle of wine in front of her, she lost control.  “What the hell is this?” she hissed barely above a whisper.

“Your stuff.”

“My stuff? This isn’t mine, it’s yours. I gave it to you. I gave you gifts from my heart and you want to return them?” Her tone was quiet, too quite; like the calm before the storm.

“Asha, I can’t accept these things. I can’t accept gifts from clients.”

“Clients?” She continued to speak to him in an eerily quiet tone. Her words had a hiss to them. It was as if she became another person. “Is that all you think of me, is as a client? I moved down here to be close to you.”

“Look, I never asked you to do that. It was your decision to leave New York and move down here. Had you asked me, I could have saved you the trouble of relocating. I would have told you, I’m already in a committed relationship.”  Carter stood. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have another appointment coming up that I need to prepare for.”

Asha stood to her feet and moved to stand in front of Carter. To his senses, she appeared to move in slow motion. When she stopped just short touching him, he found himself once again becoming aroused by her.  “Damn, what the hell kinda perfume is this woman wearing?” He thought to himself, as he fought the erection building in his pants.

“Okay, I’m gonna leave baby because you asked me to but know this, it’s not good-bye.” She handed him her suit jacket and turned her back to him. As he slid the jacket up her arms, his fingers once again traced her flesh; he lingered on the nap of her neck. For some reason, he found that highly erotic.

“What do you see?”

“What do you see?” That was the question my brother asked my niece one day as he took her out for a drive. She was a new driver and needed the practice before being completely on her own. Now, before I begin this story, let me tell you a little about me. I am a student of wisdom. You may ask, aren’t we all? To that question, I reply, nope.

Some people will forge full steam ahead, despite the obvious and the not so obvious warnings. I’m sure we all know people like that. I my case, I seek out wisdom on a daily basis. I have a journal with nothing but ‘sayings’ and articles I’ve come across that I believe will help me, and others in this journey called, life. If I hear someone say something I interpret as profound, I try and apply it to my life or use it to help others; this is the case with the conversation between my brother and niece.

“What do you see?” My brother asked my niece as she approached a red light. “I see a red light and five cars,” was her reply. “Now, let me tell you what I see,” he countered. “I see  two red lights, a green light and several cars.” “How do you see all that?” She asked. She turned to face him. “A new driver only sees what’s directly in front of them, but an experienced driver looks way down the road at what’s ahead.” My brother smiled.

When I heard this story, I immediately interpreted it as a lesson in the wisdom of elders. My brother is correct. When we are young, we only see what’s in front of us. We often neglect to look down the road and factor how our decisions will affect not only us but those in our lives. We fall to think things through to the outcome.

Many times, in our youthful years, although there are elders in our lives to guide us along the way, we see them as old fashioned and for some unknown reason, ‘dumb’. But as the years advance and we grow, we begin to see them as some of the wises people in the world.

Both of my parents are deceased as are my aunts, uncles and god-parents. I don’t have any elders in my life to call on for advice when a tough decision arises. When I’m faced with a challenging situation, I recall a lesson from my parents or or my god-parents or I open my journal and read some of the articles and ‘sayings’ I’ve collected. There are many times, the wisdom imparted from my loved ones, now deceased or my articles  have gotten me over many a hurdle.

Perhaps, like me your elders have gone on or maybe you aren’t very close to them. You may be young and eager to make your own decisions. There may be young people in your life you are trying to guide. Well, whatever your case, if it will benefit, the next time you or someone you love is faced with a challenge, and you are trying to make the right decision. Just apply the wise words of my brother to the circumstance and simply ask, “What do you see?” Trust me, I know things don’t always workout even when we do our best, but I believe it helps.

Author Savannah J, she adds a little sass to every page.

The good ole’ days, where less is more.

Yeah, yeah I know my title is a bit of a cliche but it’s exactly what I’m thinking. I was working the night shift last night and making my rounds, when I noticed an old cowboy show from back in the day on one of the televisions. I’m not sure which show it was but it brought back a lot of memories.

I began to think about the evolution of television and how different the shows are today. I can remember when it was quite risque to see a woman in her underwear, and now it’s almost common place to see her nude.  Our love scenes consisted of a passionate kiss, followed by the closing of the bedroom door. Today, we are treated to full intercourse with only a sheet separating us from the actors bare skin.

Now, it may seem to you that I’m dating myself and perhaps, I am. I just feel that sometimes, less is more. When we reveal all there is, nothing is left to the imagination.  I remember the days of running until we were out of breath and then falling to the ground where we watched the clouds go by. In the evenings, we couldn’t wait to finish dinner and our homework so we could see what Little Joe from Bonanza or Miss Kitty from Gun Smoke were up to. In my opinion, those shows helped to maintain the innocence of childhood as well as society.

Today, when I hear the language coming from the television or the moans signifying someone is in the throes of intercourse, I want to cover the eyes and ears of my adult son. I want to transport him back to a time when watching television was a treat and not a stealer of interactive time with our family. Please, don’t misunderstand me, I’m not against television or movies for that matter, I just wish the content was better. As I previously said, sometimes, less is more.

I can only imagine the difficulty pro-active parents today must have finding decent shows for their children to watch. I can only further imagine the difficulty, I and my son will have  once there are grandchildren about. I think I will do with them, the activities I did with my son. Museums, game time at the park and a good ‘ole fast food burger and fries every now and again for a treat. The idea of hanging out and about with family and friends sounds great to me right now.  Away from the innocence stealer of some television shows to a trip back into the good ‘ole days where less is more.

Author Savannah J (She puts a little sass in every page)

The Prey: Strike one.

Imagine your life going along better than you’d planned. Now, imagine your life as you know it changing and you have no control over the outcome. Meet Asha Carrington a beautiful woman with a warped sense of reality who sets her desires on J. Carter Woodson. Stalking him from the shadows she becomes his phantasm and ignites a tangible fear in him as he feels his world slip away like a man clinging to the side of a muddy hill and he enter’s her’s to become The Prey.

Twenty minutes later, Carter pulled into the parking lot of G’s gym west. He grabbed his duffle bag from the trunk of his BMW and headed inside. Once he had changed he decided to take his run in the Cardio Cinema. It had been awhile since he used the room. Truth be told, he was a little creped out by whomever was watching him and figured he had better stay where he could see what was going on. But tonight he took a deep breath and decided to face his fears, besides one of his favorite movies was playing.   Fifteen minutes before his run ended, the lighting in the room changed signally someone had entered. Carter was so engrossed in the movie and his run that by the time he turned to see who had entered, the individual had melted into the darkness. A small voice in the back of his mind urged him to slow down but he was too far into his workout to listen. He wanted to maintain his pace for another ten minutes before beginning his cool-down.

“Hey baby, did you enjoy the gifts?”

The voice came out of nowhere. It startled him and caused him to lose his balance. Carter reached for the support bars on either side of the treadmill in an attempt to right himself but it was too late. His feet lost their rhythm and became tangled beneath him; sending him tumbling left side down, first onto the treadmill and then onto the floor. He hit both the treadmill and the floor hard. Stunned and shaken, Carter struggled to right himself. Disoriented from the darkness of the room, he groped about for something to grab onto. It was then that pain shot through his left shoulder and down his side and hip.

“Oh, baby, I didn’t mean to scare you; are you okay?” An unfamiliar hand reached out and touched him.

“Hell no! I’m not okay and who the hell are you? Why do you keep callin’ me baby?” He replied through gritted teeth.  Through the pain he struggled to focus on the face standing over him, just as his eyes began to adjust to the darkness, she turned and walked away.

“Hey, where’re you goin’? I need some help here.” Carter attempted to yell, but his chest throbbed with pain when he took a deep breath.

Just then the lights came on in the room and two fitness trainers rushed to his side. “Are you alright, sir? One of the men asked.  “Don’t move,” the other instructed, “We need to make sure you don’t need 911. Did you hit your head?”

“No, I fell on my left side,” Carter’s pain was obvious to his attendants.

“How’d this happen, did you trip?” By now two additional staff members stood over him.

“No, I didn’t trip, she startled me!” Carter answered, pointing in the direction of the voice.

“Who startled you?” A female trainer asked, looking about the room.

“There was someone else here; she walked up behind me and scared the crap outta me . . ” He knew he sounded crazy to the crowd gathered around him.

“You say it was a woman?” someone asked breaking the silence.

“A woman . . . she was just here.” Carter said.

“That’s interesting,” The tallest of the staff added, “The gentleman who told me about his fall said a woman mentioned it to him in passing.”

“In passing?!” the remainder of the group said almost in unison. “Yeah, said she was walking past him and said nonchalantly, ‘someone just fell off the treadmill in the cinema room.’”

Savannah J, she puts a little bit of sass in every page. 

The Prey is available on Amazon and at

Thoughts of my mom

As Mother’s Day comes to a close my thoughts of Mom intensify. My mother was one of the wisest persons I know and I cherish every lesson she poured into me. As of late, I’ve been chewing on her advice that went something like this, “Baby, when God moves a stumbling block outta your way, don’t ask for it back.”

For a number of years, I thought Mom meant objects and then one day, it dawned on me she meant people as well. You see, just like a lot of folks, in my youth I wanted acceptance and favor and so, I would try and include friends in my vision and destiny.  When they poo-pooed my ideas or worse yet reacted with jealously, I’d go crying home to Mom.

In her wise way, Mother would simply say, “Baby, everybody can’t go where you’re going. What God has for you is for you.” She would sometimes say, “Baby, you talk too much. If there is something you want to do, keep your mouth shut and do it.” I now see, I was trying to take others along with me who weren’t meant to go. They were like an anchor around my ankles or an anvil around my neck; I just wasn’t strong enough to carry them. Their vision’s were not as broad as mine.

In my later years, I’ve learned to align myself with like minded individuals and to position myself for success. It doesn’t mean I’ve cut everyone out of my life who doesn’t share the same goals, it just means I’ve learned discretion. And when an individual decides to move away from me for whatever the reason, I now let them go.

My life is richer and fuller since heeding my mother’s advice and releasing the “stumbling blocks.” I’ve also met some incredible people along the way as well. I’m looking forward to my future with great anticipation and to fulfilling my destiny. Whenever I feel discouraged or lost, I simply get in a quite place and allow myself to remember the words of my mother and all the wisdom she left to aid me in my journey. So, as Mother’s Day comes to a close, my mom may be gone but her words, just like her will never be forgotten.


Savannah J

 She adds a little sass to every page. 

The Prey: Meet Asha Carrington

Meet Asha Carrington, a woman with alluring eyes and a mysterious past who is hell-bent on having Carter and will stop at nothing to get him.

“What may I get ‘cha ma’ man?” the bartender asked Carter.

“I’d like a scotch on the rocks and a watermelon martini made with 3 parts mixer and one part vodka. Thanks.”

“Comin’ right up,” the burly man behind the bar answered prior to turning away to do his job.

“Cherokee?” a female voice asked.

“Excuse me?” Carter turned to her having realized she was speaking to him.

“I said, are you Cherokee?”

Carter regarded the petite woman for a moment. To his surprise, he found her to be strikingly beautiful. Her deep set, blue-gray eyes seemed to draw him in.

“I apologize if I’ve offended you; I thought you were Native American,” she said, after he still hadn’t answered. This time she smiled as she spoke.

“Well, no you didn’t offend me; I guess I just found your question odd since we’ve never met before.” Her eyes continued to captivate him. Yet at the same time, uneasiness crept over him.

“Oh, would that have made a difference? In that case, please excuse my manners, Asha Carrington. I’m the regional buyer for Finne Jewelers,” she said, as she extended her hand.

“Carter Wood―”

“I know who you are, Mr. Woodson,” Asha said, cutting him off.

“You do?” Carter felt his uneasiness escalate to another level,

“Of course, I always know who is in charge of making my money work for me.”

Carter smiled, but somewhere deep in the back of his mind, a small voice told him to run (not walk) for his life.

“Here you are man.” The bartender placed Carter’s order on the counter. Turning away from, Asha he picked them up.

“You never answered my question,” she said, placing her hand atop his forearm; her grip was firm. Carter swore he felt a chill run from her hand to his arm.

“Awwww..hell to the naw,” Bre whispered under her breath.

“What?” Taryn asked following her gaze.

“Who is that blonde talking with your man? She’s been pushin’ up on him for a minute.”

“I don’t know?” Taryn responded; the smile faded from her lips.

“Matt, who is that chick all over Rusty?” Bre asked using her nick name for Carter.  All the while, she never took her eyes off the couple.

“I don’t know either, but I don’t think Taryn has anything to worry about. Carter is definitely not the messin’ around type,” Matthew said.

“Ummm hummm. It ain’t him I’m concerned about,” Bre added. She didn’t bother to explain her statement.

“What question is that, Asha. I’m kinda in a hurry.”

Asha noticed the edge in Carter’s voice, but it didn’t deter her from pushing for an answer.

“Are you Cherokee?”

“No, I’m not,” he said as he turned to walk away.

“I’m very fascinated by American Indian history. Maybe we can do lunch sometime. I’d love to talk with you about your heritage.”

“Actually, I’m not from New York but thanks anyway for the invite,” he answered as he walked away.

Asha smirked as she watched Carter leave. She thought to herself,’ I know very well you’re not from New York but you will see me again, Mr. Joseph Carter Woodson. We will have lunch and you will share yourself with me. I have big plans for us.’

Taryn noticed the change in Carter’s mood the minute he set the drinks down on the table. “What’s wrong babe?” she asked followed by, “Who was that you were talkin’ too?”

“I don’t know. She said her name is Asha Carrington, one of Finne’s regional buyers,” he answered tersely.

“Oh . . .” Taryn and Bre turned at the same time and noticed Asha still staring at the back of Carter’s head. It didn’t seem to matter to her at all that the two women observed her every move.

“You know man,” Carter said,  directed his comment to Matt instead of Taryn. “I’m about sick of people actin’ like I’m some sort of freak show.” He ran his fingers through his jet black hair as he spoke.

“Just let it roll dawg.” his brother said without needing to ask what had transpired at the bar.

“Chick asked me if I was Cherokee,” Carter said, as if Matt had never spoken.

“What they think the Cherokee is the only tribe in the Indian?!”

“Baby, try and calm down,” Taryn said. “I’m sure she meant no harm – maybe she was just curious.”

“Wanted to have lunch so I could talk with her about my heritage.” Carter continued his rant as if no one had responded to him at all.

“Yo dawg, look,” Matthew said, leaning forward in his seat for emphasis. “We came out tonight to enjoy ourselves courtesy, Finne. Why are you allowing someone who obviously has no couth to ruin your night?”

“I mean, you got your beautiful woman with you. As soon as we dock, you headin’ back to the hotel to enjoy the rest of your night,” Matt nodded toward Taryn when he added the last statement. “And in the morning, we fixin’ to eat breakfast and spend the day hanging out with our ladies. I mean whaz-up?!”

After a few minutes of silence, Carter smiled and agreed with Matthew. Draping his arm around Taryn, he sipped his cocktail. “Betta drink up baby, cause we are gettin’ ready to do some serious dancing.”

As the conversation once again began to flow amongst the group, Bre continued to keep her eyes on Asha. She watched her as she finished her drink and placed the empty glass on the bar. Right before she disappeared into the crowd, Asha finally turned her attention away from Carter and briefly made eye contact with Bre. The slightest hint of evil danced in her eyes. Bre knew had she not been paying attention, she would have missed it.

When Asha finally entered the dance crowd, she blended in so well it was as if she had completely vanished.