For the ladies: Shinning Stars!



Greetings ladies! I’d like to share with you about a wonderful transformation period, I’ve been growing through. During this time, I’ve been reflecting on what got me to this place and the necessity to move forward. I would like to share my journey with you in hopes it will both inspire and encourage you.

In order to understand my journey, let me take you back to the beginning. I was raised by a mother who believed in me from day one. She, along with my older sisters poured greatness into me, and like a sponge, I soaked it up. In my later years, however, my growth would be temporarily stunted as I would encounter young women who were apparently intimidated or made uncomfortable by my personality.  I was labeled as one who “thought I was cute,” or “thought I was better than everyone else.” This ladies, wasn’t the case at all but it was enough to stop me in my tracks. To further illustrate my point, consider this analogy.

There are billions of stars in the sky, some shine brighter than others but they all shine. Each of the stars has a purpose, just as God created each of us with a purpose. Some people are created to be leaders, while there are those who are placed in the auxiliary role. What we must understand is each role is important. Where would the President be without his Vice President and supportive staff. How could a General lead an army into battle without the backing of his soldiers. The young women I encountered back then were too immature to grasp that truth but more importantly, I allowed myself to succumb to the peer pressure and jealousy and tucked myself away.

As I embark on this new awaking in myself, one thing has become clear; the voices of discouragement and disparagement are not relegated to childhood alone.  We often hear the advice, to be careful with whom we share our plans, visions and goals. This, my dear sisters is pure truth.

I have found even in adulthood there are those who are so busy coveting their sister’s star, they can’t see the light emanating from their own. These women, perhaps struggling to deal with their own pain, will place a damper on someone else in order to feel good about themselves. If you’ve encountered this type of friend, it’s important to remove yourself from their company as quickly as possible. She may be a family member or close friend; it doesn’t mean you stop loving them, or even hanging out with them, it just means you must guard your heart. As we grow, it’s important to share our dreams and goals with like-minded individuals and those who are currently more successful than we. By doing so, we surround ourselves with positive energy.

As I mature and become comfortable in my skin and with who I am, I find doors are opening on a daily basis. I’ve embraced who God has created me to be and I no longer allow the negative opinions, stares or comments of others to deter me. “I have gone from zero to my own hero . . .” like the words in Katy Perry’s song “Roar.”

My diet has improved, I exercise three to four times weekly and I spend each morning in the Word of God. These are some of the steps I’ve taken to turn my life around and move in the direction God has for me and thereby fulfill the destiny my mother saw in me. I hope as you read my words, you will embrace your star and let it shine brightly and remember what God has for you is for you. Find your own truth and grab a hold to it. Spend time with you and your Higher Power (I choose to call mine God) and your inner star will guide you in the direction of growth unique to you.  Now, go get your blessings!


Savannah, she adds a little sass in every page. Follow Savannah on Twitter @savana74, on Linkedin as Author Savannah Jackson, on Google+ as Savannah Jackson and on Pinterest at

“To Keep What We Have” – random thoughts by G. D. Grace


Closing my weary eyes I see a life force rising,
slowly emerging from the destitute ashes of over with and absolutely done.
It searches the regions of foreign and unknown looking for recovery with complete abandonment.
It desperately wants to be relieved from that obsession that covers the sun and blinds the moon.

Deep within a battered voice calls out frantically, beckoning to be freed from the ties that bind.
It stood on the opposite side of a desolate street, looking for a secure way across it,
and countless failed efforts manifested into profound desperation,
until that fateful moment when clarity was made clear.

All the material belongings were gone…
Connections with the slim & shady, severed,
And many of the fears had dissipated.
In this powerful vision a lone raft of hope floated towards the curb, and it was filled with faith.
Half measured availed us none, but complete…

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“The Best Thing That Ever Happened To Me” – random thoughts by G.D. Grace


You’re afraid to be visible,
afraid of being found out, dimed out, wiped out.
When I looked at you from that perspective all I could see was fear, your fear,
and it nauseated me.

You presented yourself as this strong, confident, self assured being,
geared to take on the possibilities of what could be,
but within you were as shallow as a backyard pond in the midst of a drought,
that’s what you were about.

I feverishly worked to put pieces of a puzzle together, pieces that weren’t ever meant to fit.
I made excuses for your disappearances, went against what I believed just to have you,
and you weren’t even worth it. You were an imitation of life, transparent and unpredictable.

As I started up that hill with you, I kept looking back, questioning moving forward,
and the closer I got to the top I squinted to see truth…

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“You’ll Be Okay” random thoughts by G. D. Grace


Say, you…
Yes, you…
Don’t I know you from somewhere?
Let’s see, was it…
No, it wasn’t!
I believe I know you from a reflection I’ve seen before…
A reflection I saw a few years ago when you were younger —
younger and more vibrant.

When did you return?
I must tell you it’s been a long time, and I’m wondering what has changed?
When I peer into your eyes I see this light — a light of confidence and peace.
Where did you find it?

Oh, I see, it was after the trials and tribulations.
Well, I must say it looks good on you, and I want you to know that I’ve missed you —
I’ve missed our heart-to-heart discussion about a dream you wanted to follow.
You were so eager and focused back then, and I’m glad to see that you’ve found that drive again.

I believe that…

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Anatomy of A Stalker: Meet Arial Carrington, Asha’s secret weapon.

one eye

There is an old saying that goes, “You saved the best for last.” Well, that’s exactly what we have done when it comes to me. Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Arial Carrington and I’m Asha’s twin sister and her secret weapon. 

I’ve stood back and watched as my sister was disrespected and stigmatized over her love for Carter. He is such a hypocrite; living a clandestine life. By day he’s devoted to his so called love, Taryn but when the sun goes down he finds his way to Asha’s bed. Well, I’ve watched this charade long enough; I won’t remain quiescent any longer. It’s time to take action.

Poor Carter and his crew, he has no idea I exist. He’s about to get a rude awakening. Not only do I have plans to vindicate my sister but I’m bringing back-up, the twins Doniel and Dillon. Those two alone are a force to be reckoned with. 

Herein lie the lessons, Mr. Woodson is about to learn: 1. Never assume someone is alone just because you don’t see them with family or friends. 2. Don’t underestimate the resources available to anyone. 3. (This is the most important of all) All goodbyes ain’t gone, and all closed eyes ain’t sleep. In other words Carter, watch your back because I’m coming for you. 


Savannah J, she adds a little sass in every page.

Meet Arial Carrington in The Prey: Twins, And Then There were Two. Coming soon to Amazon, Kindle, Google Play Books and iBooks.

Carter never dreamed he’d have to look over his shoulder until he met Asha.  A woman with alluring eyes and a mysterious past who is hell-bent on having Carter regardless the cost. Follow Carter Woodson’s harrowing experience with Asha Carrington in The Prey. Now available in eBook on Amazon at:  and Google Play Books at: Coming soon to iBooks. The Prey is also available at The Book Nook 912 Canal Street Chesapeake, Virginia. 23323. Follow Savannah on Twitter @savana74