Falling in love with RVA day 4: September 4, 2013

City_of_Richmond_Business_DistrictMy fourth day turned out to be a bit of a challenge as it was a work day. Non-the-less, I found an interesting activity after all. I noticed an on line contest where residents of RVA could vote for offices with the best decor, so I dove in. To say there are some stunning offices in this area is an understatement. A few companies even invited visitors by for an up close and personal look. There was one particular local business I’ve frequented and to my delight, it was in the contest. It goes without saying, I voted for them.

Since I’ve started this journey, I’ve also met some great people. A few have recommended activities for me such as, visiting Belle Isle, walking the Pipe-line, checking out the Murals in the area and the art along the Canal Walk and trying a new restaurant. Stay tuned as the month is yet young and I’ve got a lot of fun to have. If you have any suggestions, feel free to leave them in the comments section. As always, have a safe and peaceful night!


Savannah J, she adds a little sass in every page. 

www.thesavannahjpublications.com Follow Savannah on Twitter @savana74


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