For the ladies: Shinning Stars!



Greetings ladies! I’d like to share with you about a wonderful transformation period, I’ve been growing through. During this time, I’ve been reflecting on what got me to this place and the necessity to move forward. I would like to share my journey with you in hopes it will both inspire and encourage you.

In order to understand my journey, let me take you back to the beginning. I was raised by a mother who believed in me from day one. She, along with my older sisters poured greatness into me, and like a sponge, I soaked it up. In my later years, however, my growth would be temporarily stunted as I would encounter young women who were apparently intimidated or made uncomfortable by my personality.  I was labeled as one who “thought I was cute,” or “thought I was better than everyone else.” This ladies, wasn’t the case at all but it was enough to stop me in my tracks. To further illustrate my point, consider this analogy.

There are billions of stars in the sky, some shine brighter than others but they all shine. Each of the stars has a purpose, just as God created each of us with a purpose. Some people are created to be leaders, while there are those who are placed in the auxiliary role. What we must understand is each role is important. Where would the President be without his Vice President and supportive staff. How could a General lead an army into battle without the backing of his soldiers. The young women I encountered back then were too immature to grasp that truth but more importantly, I allowed myself to succumb to the peer pressure and jealousy and tucked myself away.

As I embark on this new awaking in myself, one thing has become clear; the voices of discouragement and disparagement are not relegated to childhood alone.  We often hear the advice, to be careful with whom we share our plans, visions and goals. This, my dear sisters is pure truth.

I have found even in adulthood there are those who are so busy coveting their sister’s star, they can’t see the light emanating from their own. These women, perhaps struggling to deal with their own pain, will place a damper on someone else in order to feel good about themselves. If you’ve encountered this type of friend, it’s important to remove yourself from their company as quickly as possible. She may be a family member or close friend; it doesn’t mean you stop loving them, or even hanging out with them, it just means you must guard your heart. As we grow, it’s important to share our dreams and goals with like-minded individuals and those who are currently more successful than we. By doing so, we surround ourselves with positive energy.

As I mature and become comfortable in my skin and with who I am, I find doors are opening on a daily basis. I’ve embraced who God has created me to be and I no longer allow the negative opinions, stares or comments of others to deter me. “I have gone from zero to my own hero . . .” like the words in Katy Perry’s song “Roar.”

My diet has improved, I exercise three to four times weekly and I spend each morning in the Word of God. These are some of the steps I’ve taken to turn my life around and move in the direction God has for me and thereby fulfill the destiny my mother saw in me. I hope as you read my words, you will embrace your star and let it shine brightly and remember what God has for you is for you. Find your own truth and grab a hold to it. Spend time with you and your Higher Power (I choose to call mine God) and your inner star will guide you in the direction of growth unique to you.  Now, go get your blessings!


Savannah, she adds a little sass in every page. Follow Savannah on Twitter @savana74, on Linkedin as Author Savannah Jackson, on Google+ as Savannah Jackson and on Pinterest at

The Anatomy of a Stalker: meet J. Carter Woodson

one eye

Good afternoon. My name is Joseph Carter Woodson. My childhood history can be what some would consider interesting, but to me, it’s a blessing. I was born to loving parents but due to an unfortunate turn of events, I was left alone as a small child. There are, however, happy endings to sad situations and I received one such ending. 

I was adopted by a wonderful family and raised in a great home. My brother, Matthew and I are very close. Now, here is where as I said earlier, my history can be what some would deem interesting. My family is multicultural. I’m a Native American by birth and my adoptive family is African-American. With the infamous Asha Carrington, this is where the problem started.

Asha developed an uncanny attraction to me apparently based on my heritage. I didn’t mind the attraction, I mean what human minds being considered attractive? It was her obsession that unnerved me. At first I tried to thwart her advances but failed miserably. I finally had to hire protection for me, my brother, his girlfriend and my lady love. When Asha found a way circumvent my efforts, I decided to take matters into my own hands. It was the only way to stop her. What would you have done?   

J. Carter Woodson never dreamed he’d have to look over his shoulder until he met Asha Carrington. A woman with alluring eyes and a mysterious past. Hell-bent on having Carter in her life, Asha will stop at nothing to until he’s her’s. Follow Asha’s and Carter’s tumultuous journey in The Prey.

The Prey by Savannah J is available in paperback and Kindle on Amazon. To purchase The Prey just copy and paste the following link into your Internet address bar:

For more on Savannah J visit her website at Follow Savannah on Twitter @savana74 or on Google + at +Savannah Jackson


Savannah J, she adds a little sass in every page. 

The Voices Inside Our Head

About two years ago, I decided to pen my first suspense novel titled  The Prey. I did so at the prompting of two friends who always encouraged me to stretch myself. Prior to writing The Prey, I’d written romance novels and so suspense proved to be a new challenge for me. To offer a little history The Prey is the story of J. Carter Woodson, who is stalked relentlessly by Asha Carrington.

I can remember as I began writing The Prey, I had to go to some pretty dark places in my imagination in order to effectively create and develop the personality of Asha Carrington. It wasn’t until I attended a presentation of the Hollywood Costumes at our Fine Arts Museum that I really understood what was happening to me as I wrote.

At the presentation, accompanying each costume was a small placard describing the outfit and who had worn it. Along the walls were larger signs offering more detailed information about the movie represented by the costume. One of the signs revealed what I found to be enlightening information. It talked about how the actors and actresses often weren’t able to channel the character they were playing until they put on the costume. After reading that information, as I said earlier, I understood what was happening when I wrote.

Just as the actors have to channel or become their characters in order to effectively portray their role, I was unknowingly doing the same thing. I will admit, becoming Asha Carrington was a tab bit uncomfortable as she is the opposite of my personality. Even now as I work on the sequel to The Prey, at times I have to break for long periods to regain my balance.

Shortly after attending the Hollywood Costume presentation, I was talking with a group of women about how seeing the costume worn by Heath Ledger in Brokeback Mountain gave me a sense of sadness. One of the ladies stated, Heath contacted Jack Nicholson prior to filming his role as the Joker in The Dark Night and Nicholson warned him to be careful. Apparently when he, too, played the Joker, Nicholson had to go to a very dark place and had trouble coming out.

I now have a new found respect for writers of both novels and screenplays. We are often teased about having people who live in our heads and I guess we do. It takes talent to bring those characters to life on paper and the big screen and maintain who we are as a person. So, if you’ve ever wondered if the people in the mind of a writer talk to us, now you know they do. And you also know, we really do channel or bring them to life, that’s how characters in books and on the big screen seem so real – in the mind of their creator, they really are.

Savannah J, she adds a little sass in every page.

The Prey is currently available on Amazon in paperback and Kindle eBook. Just look for The Prey by Savannah J. 

“God Bless The Broken Road . . .”

broken roadLately, I’ve recently been spending a lot of time in reflective prayer and in doing some soul searching. I’m praying and seeking guidance about where I’d like to see myself in five years. But more so, I’ve been seeking the direction, God would like to see my life take over the next five years. Now, all of this may seem pretty normal to you, but allow me to give you some her-story behind my contemplative state.

I believe we’re all born with a God given purpose and plan for our lives. Forty years ago I was on a different path – the path I believe God had intended me to take. I allowed fear and discouragement to dissuade me from that path and send me down a different road. For years, I’ve regretted my decision and wasted energy vexing my own spirit. I’ve heard ministers preach about and read countless books and articles about letting go of the past and embracing where we are. Each time I tried to release and move forward, I became so angry I couldn’t fathom how that concept would benefit me, after all it wouldn’t change my circumstances. What I didn’t grasp was the releasing was for me; for my own spiritual cleansing. But in the midst of my anguish, God still had a plan.

Over the past few days, I’ve had a coming to terms with my life and the path I chose for me. I call it my Broken Road.” Had I not moved to Virginia, I never would have met my son’s father and I wouldn’t have my beautiful son. I wouldn’t have been touched by and/or touched so many wonderful people. I wouldn’t know the majesty of the Blue Ridge Mountains or the roar of the mighty Atlantic Ocean. More so, I wouldn’t understand what my mother meant when she used to tell me, “Baby, God can bless you right where you are.”

Today, I spent time thanking God for all the blessings He’s bestowed on my life over the past forty years and it brought me to tears. I realized, despite my following a different path, God has been here all along. I just needed to release and embrace His goodness. There is a song by the group Rascal Flats titled “God Bless The Broken Road” that I really like. The author of that song had a handle on God’s ability to gently lead us back to His original path although we maybe traveling a “Broken Road.”

When I think of the chorus to that song, “God Bless The Broken Road that led me straight to you,” although it’s a love song, I can’t help but think of my son. God indeed blessed my “Broken Road.” Will my appreciating my blessings along this path change my circumstances? Perhaps not immediately, but I believe I’ve now opened the door for God to re-route my life and lead me into greater opportunities.

Perhaps you’ve gotten of your path and find yourself way off course. Remember, God specializes in re-routing us. He can use your “Broken Road” to get you to exactly where you were meant to be.


By Savannah Jackson, she adds a little sass in every page. 

P.S I’ve included the link to Rascal Flats “God Bless The Broken Road” for your enjoyment.

And Then Comes Winter


I believe winter may be the least favorite season of the four. I mean think about it, we have spring with it’s newness and freshness. The trees and flowers bloom,  animals begin to scurry about as well as people. We have warm days and cool nights – who can beat that?

Following spring comes summer with it’s sun filled mornings that last well into the evening. Concerts abound, as do family outings and road trips. And what’s better than a day or week at the beach? For those unable to make it to the beach or perhaps don’t have a fancy for the ocean, there’s always the pool. The laughter of children fill the air, lovers walk hand in hand or take carriage rides through the park.

The fall with it’s breathtaking landscape from deep reds to burnt orange is perhaps the most beautiful of all. Not only does nature put on a show with it’s vibrant colors but the harvest abounds. There are so many delicious foods to choose from and for those who enjoy a glass of wine from time to time, we celebrate the grape.

As fall comes to a close, we notice the trees gradually begin to lose their leaves; flowers lose their blooms and the animals begin to burrow in for the impending cold. And then comes winter. The foliage we enjoyed is now gone, the grass turns brown and even the weeds die. Animals hibernate as do many of us. When glance outside, the once vibrant landscape now appears dull and lifeless, but alas beneath the ground something wondrous is taking place.

In the winter months, trees and plants enter a dormancy stage akin to hibernation in animals. I find it fascinating that even plants rest and they don’t resist; they allow nature to take it’s course, if you will. Winter comes for each of us as well but it seems a period in our lives we often loath.

We can find winter to be  frustrating and vexatious as our plans fail to come to fruition. It seems others are prospering and we are relegated to observe from the sidelines. It’s during these times, I implore you to take heart. Winter comes for a reason. Every living creature benefits from rest, so relax and trust your spring is coming.

After a season of rest (winter) nature is energized and able to once again flourish. I remember being discouraged and disheartened with my singing or should I say lack of opportunities to perform after I relocated to another state. A friend in an effort to console me offered it wasn’t my season. Well, years later I realize it wasn’t the fact that it wasn’t my season for my music, God was using that winter season to prepare the writer in me.

Ecclesiastes 3:1 advises, “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.” It’s up to us to align our lives in harmony with what is really quite natural and in doing so reap the benefits. If this happens to be your winter or you see it quickly approaching, again I say relax and rest assured knowing, after winter without fail comes spring.


By Savannah Jackson, she adds a little sass in every page. 

Make new friends but keep the old . . .

goldI remember singing a song as a child with the words, “Make new friends but keep the old; one is silver and the other gold.” Being a child, I had no idea the impact behind the meaning of those words. Now that I’m older, I realize what a tremendous blessing it is to have friends, especially old friends.

Several times a year my high school classmates and I gather for fellowship and fun. We hangout and catch up on the latest happenings in our lives. We decided a few years ago not to wait for class reunions that come around every ten years, but to enjoy each other in the now.  These friends have been a part of my life since Kindergarten. We have a bond that can’t be broken. The childhood friends from my years of growing up in 8th Street Baptist Church are still a part of my life as well and we stay in touch and see each other as time permits.

There is a saying, “friends come and go” but I say true friends are there for life. I know beyond a shadow of doubt my heart friends would be by my side in a instant if I needed them. Now, this doesn’t mean I have newer friends whom I don’t appreciate like my longtime friends, because I do. And some of them have been a part of my life for a few years and will be there for years to come.

Perhaps there are friends or family from years gone by you think of often but haven’t taken the time to reach out to. I strongly suggest you do so. Life is too sweet not to share the goodness with those we love. No better time than the present to rekindle and enjoy.

So, make a call, send an email or text today and I promise a whole world of love, excitement and joy will open up to you.

As always in closing, I wish you a peaceful night. Blessings!

By Savannah Jackson, she adds a little sass in every page.

Ms Ella-ism # 6 “Baby, even if the only thing you have is a hatchet…”

hatchetHave you ever had a bill to pay or project or task to complete that seemed unending? I know I have on many occasions. Once when I was young I had a bill to pay that gave the illusion of growing instead of shrinking. In talking it over with my mother, she gave me the best advice.

Now, there is one thing you have to know about my mom and that is she often used analogies to make a point. When it came to my bill, she used the perfect one. She said, “Baby, your bill is like a tree. If you have a Pine tree to chop down and the only thing you have is a hatchet, you can still chop that tree down. All you have to do is take your time and chop at it a little bit everyday. Eventually, that tree will fall.”

Perhaps you’re a writer like me with a deadline to meet or you’re in business with several deadlines. Maybe your bills and finances seem as though they’ll never be right. Whatever your challenge, remember the words of my mom, “Baby, if the only thing you have is a hatchet . . . . All you have to do is take your time and chop at it a little bit everyday. Eventually, that tree will fall.”

As always in parting, I wish you a peaceful night. Blessings!

By Savannah Jackson, “she adds a little sass in every page.”

The price of disobedience.

Row of Jail CellsAs a child growing up in the Jackson household, I knew disobeying my parents came with a price. I was either punished or if the offence was serious enough, I got a spanking. Thankfully, I was a pretty compliant child and my spankings or punishments were far and few between.

Now that I’ve transitioned into adulthood, there is no earthly parental figure to which I’m held accountable. There are however, other systems in place by which we are governed. For instance, should we break the law, the judicial system will define the penalty for our actions. Schools, workplaces and such also have rules and and guidelines in place to define what is and is not acceptable on their premises. In my life there is also a Higher Power to which I answer. I chose to call Him God.

The other day, on my Birthday to be exact, I decided to treat myself to a pedicure. As I left my house, I glanced at my watch. I knew I was having family and a couple close friends over for cake and refreshments, so my time was limited. I headed out and as I drove, I considered going to a salon, I don’t frequent because it was closer to home.

To give you a brief history, I’ve switched to a new salon because I had a couple bad experiences at the place I frequented for years. I’d finally found a shop where, they not only listened to me but I left in one piece, if you will. As I headed up the road, I thought to myself, if I go to my usual spot, I may be late getting back home to prepare for my guests. Here, is where things became interesting.

In order to save time, I headed for the salon closer to my home where I’d not had a pedicure. At this point, I clearly heard the voice of God say, “Do not go to that salon, go to the one you always go to or go home and wait until tomorrow.” This is where vanity stepped in and directed my next steps. I said to myself and the Spirit of God, “I don’t have enough time to go to the other place and I want a pedicure for my Birthday; how bad can it it be? After all, it’s in a high end area of town.”

I ignored the wisdom of God and headed a couple miles up the road to the other salon. As I sat in the chair, feeling like I need to run for the exit, I kept telling myself, “I’m sure it’ll be fine.” Well, halfway through the pedicure, I felt a sting on the inside of my left foot, just below my ankle. When it happened again, I looked down and I was bleeding. To make a long story short, the technician had rubbed a dime sized piece of skin completely off my foot.

He apologized profusely and put an antiseptic on the spot. Two days later, I ended up in the doctor’s office to have my foot looked at. I’m now on antibiotics both orally and topically. It’s been a week and a half and the spot still hasn’t healed. All could have been avoided, if I’d only listened.

There is a price to being disobedient. Had I listened and not allowed vanity to enter my heart, I wouldn’t have a painful wound that requires a lengthy treatment. For young people, not following parental or educational instruction can be costly. Not adhering to the rules established by our government or court systems can even result in death.

I’ve learned a valuable lesson from my experience and I hope my sharing, will encourage you to take time to listen. Whether it be to parents, employers or whomever. Remember there are consequences to our actions and no one in their right mind wants to pay the price of disobedience.


By Savannah Jackson, she adds a little sass in every page.

Falling in love with RVA, day 19-20: Happy Birthday!

??????????????September 19th is my Birthday and on the day of, I had a ball. I didn’t really do anything special during the morning but that night I had my family and a couple close friends over. It was a quiet and intimate gathering. We talked, laughed and caught up on the latest news.

For those of you who don’t know, I love to entertain in my home. At one point, I just sat back and watched everyone enjoy themselves and it made me so happy. Birthdays have taken on a new meaning for me now as I grow older. It doesn’t matter about the gifts or cake and ice cream, what matters are the blessings I’ve received and even challenges I’ve overcome.

The challenges have provided opportunity for growth and gaining wisdom. Two things I deem priceless. The blessings help me focus on the positive. Although, like anyone else, I’ve had my share of ups and downs, my glass is always half-full. To complete another year and gain a new age is such a blessing to me. There are those women who refuse to reveal their ages, but for me, it’s an honor and privilege to answer the age question. After all, I have family and friends who didn’t make 57.

It’s the 20th and the day after my Birthday. I’m not doing anything special in RVA today. I’m relaxing at home and writing. I have a couple things planned for tomorrow but for now, I’m enjoying today. As always, I wish you a safe and peaceful night.


Savannah J, she adds a little sass to every page.


Falling in love with RVA, day 18: Saving the Tata’s and Josh Groban.

MP900321107I went for my annual Mammogram this afternoon and with a great report from the Radiologist I might add. There is a history of Breast Cancer in my family and so, I’m meticulous in making and keeping my appointments each year. I’ve heard women complain about the equipment used for the test but it takes less than ten minutes start to finish for something that may save a life. I just take a deep breath knowing, God has blessed man with the technology to help us have better quality of life and let the technician do her job.

After my exam, I headed for a quiet place to write in the RVA-Metro Area where I’d never been before but couldn’t think of an establishment. As I cruised up Midlothian Turnpike, I spotted a sign for Pink Belle Cake House and decided to stop. My goal other than finding a place to write was buying a small cake for my Birthday celebration tomorrow.

My decision turned out to be a perfect one as the Pink Belle Cake House is also The Piano Cafe. The atmosphere at The Piano Cafe felt so relaxing and peaceful, I grabbed a cup of Joe and my laptop and found a seat in an overstuffed chair. Now, I’m sitting here listening to Josh Groban, one of my favorite singers, sipping on my coffee and working on my latest project.

If you ever find yourself in the Midlothian area, check out Pink Belle Cake House and The Piano Cafe. You’ll love it here. And if you’re a writer like me, the ambiance is perfect for penning your next project or finishing up one you’ve started.

As always, I wish you a safe and peaceful night.


Savannah J, she adds a little sass in every page. Follow Savannah on Twitter @savana74